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                    Something new

"Ice skating? Uh I was kind of expecting a warm dinner. Not a freezing booty." Sakura sulked as she looked on as multiple people skated together.

"Come on Sakura-san, it'll be fun! I promise!" Naruto reassured.

"I guess..."

"Awesome! Now come on and let me help you put on your skates." He grabbed her hand and guided her to one of the bleachers. Sakura sat down about to take off her shoes to put on the borrowed skates until he interjected.

"I'll do it. Ah that's if you don't mind hehe." He blushed a bit.

She blushed as well and stumbled over her words. "No. N-Not at all..." She lifted her left foot into Naruto's lap and watched him intently as he slid the shoes on and off.

'Why is he doing this? Is there a reason? Or is this guy just this nice?'

Sakura was a bit skeptical considering the guys she encountered all through her early to mid twenties. As always, they just wanted one thing, either to control her or to get inside of her pants. She secretly hoped he wouldn't be like the rest of them. Hopefully...

"There! Now you're ready to go." He got up and put out his hand. She grabbed his hand and he lifted her up and continued to hold on to her hand until they made it to the opening of the iced floor.

"Uh you seem pretty confident Naruto. Have you uh ever done this before?"

"Countless of times, especially when I wanted a place to think and or relax, this is where I would come to.

"How is constantly falling on and freezing your ass off relaxing ?" Sakura asked in a sarcastic tone.

"See once you go on there and learn how to skate properly, you'll see how relaxing it is."

Naruto finally left her grasp and slid onto the ice. He then skated forward just a little bit to put enough room in between the both of them.

"Skate to me." He simply said.

Sakura almost bursted out laughing. "...no."

"Come on." He pleaded.

"Uh uh I just might break a bone!" She protested.

"Come on you won't break a bone. Not as long as I'm here to catch you." He reassured.

".... you're really going to catch me?" She asked.

"I would never let you fall..." His huge bright smile spread across his face as this words left his lips. That smile was enough for her to do it.

'Damnit! He's lucky he's cute!'

Sakura shakily put out her right foot on the ice followed by the left.

"Good!" She hears him say. "Now slowly come to me!"

"Sounds easy enough..." She mumbled. Sakura looked between be the small gap between them. It felt as if those 7 inches grew into 17. "Damnit."

She took her first step and surprisingly, she didn't fall. "Ha! Ok!" One step at a time turned into two! Two steps turned into sliding her feet just a bit! And sliding her feet just a tiny bit turned into-

"H-Hey I'm doing it! I'm-woah!"

A slip.

She closed her eyes expecting the coldness to hit her pale skin but nothing. Instead, she felt a pair of warm and comforting arms wrapped around her. She slowly opened her eyes only to be inches away from Naruto's beautiful blue eyes.

Before this, she never realized how beautiful he really is. Eyes as blue as the ocean, jawline super sharp, just the right amount of baby fat on his face, and that hair...

Good God almighty.

"Hey, you ok? You've been staring in what it looks like shock for a minute now...." He says breaking her thought process.

"Y-Yeah! Of course!" She looks away in embarrassment. "...Thanks for catching me. I see you keep your word."


There it is. That cheeky smile  that in a short time, she has grown fond of. She liked it. A lot.

Naruto lifted her up and helped balance herself on the ice.


He simply nodded his head still helping her.

"By the way, you have a beautiful smile."

"What? Oh me?" It was his turn to be embarrassed now.

" Well yeah silly. Who else would I be talking to?" Sakura giggled.

"Yeah I know but... you're like the first person to tell me about my smile so..." He confessed.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah... Anyways, let's uh keep going shall we?" Naruto once again grasped both hands and slide himself right in front of her.

"Uh I don't know..." Sakura doubted.

"Aww don't doubt yourself now! You were doing amazing!" Naruto encouraged. "You can do it."

After those words slipped off his lips, Sakura looked into his deep blue eyes and suddenly started to believe she can do it.

"Alright...let's do this!"

Naruto did a fist pump, which made Sakura laugh, and slid over the Sakura's side while she was near the railing. They slowly skated next to one another, with Naruto occasionally catching Sakura. Soon enough, Sakura started to get better and better and soon enough, she was off the rails.

"Let me see if I can do a full circle with the railing-"


"-And you."

"Oh? You sure you can handle it?" He asked.

"Yeah I am. Besides, how am I going to be able to get better if you keep holding me by the hand?" She asked.

"That is true... I'll just be close ok?" He concluded.

"Cool with me."

Naruto backed off and looked on as Sakura wobbled away from the railing. She then started out with slow strides with a few wobbles here and there. Little strides turned into full on skating around the ring.

"Naruto y-you see me?! I'm doing it! I'm actually doing it!" She shouted in victory.

"I see! I'm proud of you Sakura-chan!" He praised.

" 'Sakura-chan' ?" She stopped in front of you and asked.

"Ah yeah... S-Sorry it just slipped out. I can go back to the San suffix if you like since we did just meet..." He explained scratching the back of his neck.

"Nah." She came closer to him. "I like it." She shot him a smile and stated off but not proposing an idea. "Now that I'm decent at Skating, wanna race?" She smirked.

Naruto smirked back and accepted the challenge. "You're on."

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