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                    Happy April 3rd
                                           Part 1

"Momma!" A blonde little boy shouted as he ran to his parents room.

"Shh Shina chan. Your father is asleep." Sakura quietly said.

"Sorry momma..." Shinachiku said bowing his head a little.

Sakura turned to her four year old son with a warm smile. "Shina it's OK. Now what do you need?" She asked.

Shina lifted his head up with a bright smile similar to his father and came running to her. "Momma remember when you told me that story of how you fell for papa?" He asked.

"Yes I do. What about it?" Sakura asked.

"Well...I know what you said but...How exactly did papa say he love you?" Shinachiku embarrassedly asked.

Sakura was taken back by his question. 'Why would want to know about that?' She asked herself.

"Shina chan, what made you ask that question?" Sakura asked.

"Well I just wanted to know." He said. Sakura just smiled at him.

"Alright. If you wanna know, come up here and listen OK?" She said. Shinachiku's eyes lit up and crawled upon his parents' bed trying not to wake his father.

"OK I'm ready."

"OK so here's how it went down. It really wasn't you everyday fairy tale like those Disney movies I'll tell you that."


"Naruto! Sasuke!" Sakura shouted and ran to them. She saw them both on the ground bleeding out with missing arms.

"Oh my God.... What did you two idiots do to yourselves?!" She said and got on her knees to check both of their wounds.

"Hey Sakura chan..... We....just had a little disagreement...that's all. Hehe" Naruto weakly said.

"Long-time no see Sakura." Sasuke said with a bit of a smirk.

"Both of you are true idiots do you know that?," She tried to stop the bleeding from Naruto's wounded arm first. "Your 'little disagreement' would've-no should've killed you both!" She scolded them.

"Hehehe. You still care about us huh? Sakura?" Sasuke said. Sakura then quickly turned to him glaring hard.

"Of course I'm gonna care! You two, Kakashi sensei, Sai, Yamato sensei are all like family to me and...and I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost any one of you..." Sakura said trying to keep herself from crying.

Sasuke just kept silent until she was done with Naruto's arm.

'Sakura chan really does care for the both of us huh...' Naruto thought

"Thank you for caring so much about me...Sakura chan. You don't know how much that means to me..." Naruto said. Sakura smiled back at him bittersweetly.

"Of course I care about you... Truth be told that...I might want to be more than just teammates..." She said. Naruto was in shock or what he just heard. He has to be dreaming.

"S-Sakura you don't have to lie to me out of pity. You love Sasuke. Don't feel guilty of your feelings toward him because of of my feel-"

"Idiot I'm not playing! I....used to love him but that love was empty. I don't even know if what I felt was live in the first place. I was only mesmerized by his mysterious and cool looks. I was a selfish pathetic fangirl of his and because of that, I didn't see who was right in front of me. The person who recognized my strength even before I knew I had it. The person who has inspired me to become the best ninja I could be and push myself to the limit. That person help me greatly to become the person I am and the ninja I am today." She explained him. Naruto was just in awe of what she said.

'Could she really have feelings because for me?' Naruto asked himself again.

"That person who I've come to love is you Naruto... Please understand that I'm not making this up. Im really expressing my feelings to you because I may never get another chance to tell you." She said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Sakura chan I... I love you too." He said with the biggest smile he could make on his brushed face

Sakura almost broke down completely but was able to compose herself.

"C'mon, let's go get you and Sasuke fixed up huh?

                  End of Flashback

"Wow momma that's so cool! But I thought papa confessed first?" Shinachiku asked.

"I said that he said my forehead was charming. I never said that he confessed first remember?

"Oh!" Shinachiku , along with his mother, giggled until Sakura suddenly came to a complete stop.

'Oh my God!' Sakura mentally shouted. She horrified and nervous at the same time.

"Momma what's wrong?"  He asked.

She snapped back into reality and nervously smiled at her son. "Oh nothing but uh...c-could you wake your father up now please?" She said.

"Ok." He said and started to shake Naruto.

"Ugh wha- what is it. What's up?" Naruto said sitting up.

"Papa momma said to wake you up. Something's wrong with her too. She's acting weird." Shinachiku explained.

"Sakura chan are you ok?" He asked.

"Naruto the baby is coming." She said. This caught Naruto off guard.


"THE BABY.IS.COMING." She said it more clear.

"Oh my God the baby is coming! The baby is coming!" Naruto shouted. He sprinted to their closet only to come out with the baby carrier and baby bag they bought.

"This is happening now!? What a coincidence that all of this is happening the day I'm off of work I mean who knew!" He kept on saying.

"Naruto you're more excited than me about the baby. Calm down." Sakura said. She got up from her bed and got the car keys on the table.

"Momma what's happening? Why is daddy acting like that?" Shinachiku asked.

"Shina chan, your father and I are going to the hospital because we are getting your new baby sister." Sakura said while wobbling out of the front door. "Now c'mon we're all going." She said. Shinachiku ran into the van, closed it, and drove to the hospital.

Happy April 3rd y'all!

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