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                      Doctor's visit part 5

"Ok ma'am I'm going to need to to stay with me!" The doctor shouted. Sakura lazily moved her eyes in the voice's direction and blinks weakly.

When Naruto found Sakura's body unconscious, he immediately called the ambulance and found her not breathing. He did CPR until they came on the scene and managed to get a pulse. Weak but still alive.

"Is she going to be okay?!" Naruto shouted

"Sir we'll do everything we can but I'm going to need you to stay here!"


"Sir please!" The head doctor said and left with Sakura the ER. Naruto stood there staring at the door for a good minute before he slowly sat in a seat in front of the door. As he sat, he continued to stare anticipating the doctor to come back.

' I hope she'll be alright. Just for a little bit a least. I don't want her to go yet..' he thought. ' This isn't fair! Why did she have to die?! It's my fault for falling for a dying person anyways...'

The more Naruto stared at the door, the longer time seemed to go on. And in result fell asleep. Six hours went by and a doctor finally came out.

"Family of Haruno Sakura?" A voice called out. Naruto heard the name Haruno and quickly woke up from his slumber and got up.

"Ah me. Well not exactly I-I'm her friend."

"The one who brought her in?"


"Well there's good news and some bad news..."

'I-Is she going to be ok?!"

"Well sort of. We managed to wake her from unconsciousness ,but her condition got worse..."

"How bad is it?" Naruto said with no emotion.

"She...She can't move her legs. She's paralyzed."

Naruto almost had a heart attack from hearing those words come out the doctor's mouth. It felt unreal to him. Like it was all a dream. No, a nightmare.

"P-Paralyzed....? She's paralyzed? How could this happen I mean everything was just fine at the park. Even before the park she hadn't fainted in weeks. I--how?"

"Sir sometimes the symptoms of cancer or other types of diseases go away to make you think that they are gone when in reality, they're hiding waiting to strike.  Her cancer  progressed very fast and she doesn't have much time to live either... Even though she is paralyzed, she is still aware of her surroundings which is good for her condition. Do you want to see her now?" the doctor asked. Naruto shook his head and the doctor lead him to her room.

" Here she is please take all the time you need." The doctor said and closed the door. Naruto slowly walked by her side and teared up at the sight of her. Sakura was paler than before and her eyelids looked greenish and sickly. she had IVs in her arm and barely moved.

"Sakura chan..."

Sakura's eyes opened just a bit and smiled weakly at him. "Naruto... how are you?" she whispered.

Naruto swallowed the lump in his throat and attempted to smile back. "Hey you. A-Are you well?"

"Very. Sit down hmm? I gotta tell you something." She said and he did just that sitting in the chair next her bed. "Now... I know I...don't have much...time but, I....I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there...for me throughout all of this. Thank you...for being...my...my best friend..." Sakura said.

"Don't...Don't talk like that Sakura chan. You're... you're going to be ok. You have to be. I-I'll visit you everyday! I-"

"Naruto." She said putting her hand on top of his. "It's time for me. to go.. It's too late for me..."

"You're leaving too early... Please...don't leave me..." He said with tears failing down his face.

"Naruto...I'll always be with you. Just...promise me... promise me that you'll move on. I don't...want you to dwell upon me...make new friends....meet someone...don't hold back because of me..."

"Sakura I don't know if I can..."

"You will. I know you can...I'll be watching you...from upstairs...so don't do anything stupid...." She laughed weakly. "Promise?"

Naruto grabbed Sakura's hand and made eye contact. "I...I promise..."

Sakura smiled and closed her eyes. "Good..." Sakura slumped over let go of Naruto's hand. Naruto looked up in horror as he tried to wake her up. He shook her and called the doctors and nurses to come to his aid. They got there and got him off of Sakura so they can shock her back to life all while he screamed her name hoping for her to hear him.

"1 2 3 clear!" the lead doctor shocked he for the third time. And still nothing. the head doctor turned to Naruto who was currently being held back by other two doctors with sorrow. "I'm sorry..."

it was like the Earth stood still for that very moment. His heat stopped and felt like the only person in the entire universe. She was gone.

' No...'

"Time of death 22:18."

Happy April 3rd guys!

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