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                     Do you regret it ?

'There she is again.' Naruto thought. 'I wonder if she remembers that very day.' Today which is usually one of the most happiest day of his his life turned into the saddest one of all. Today was April 3, the day Naruto Uzumaki fell in love with Sakura Haruno. He then puts in a fake smile and heads towards them with his wife Hinata and his kids.

"Hey Sakura chan, Sandra." Naruto said faking his happiness.

"Oh hey Naruto and Hinata how have you've been I haven't seen you two in while." Sakura said smiling. But this smile was different smile. An emotionally exhausted smile. You see she ended up having her with Sasuke , which she hasn't seen for 12 years, and has to take care of her daughter alone. She hasn't seen Naruto since the confession he made this very day...April 3.

"Hey Sakura chan can I have a word with you for a minute?" Naruto said while blushing a little.

"Sure." Sakura said innocently. Naruto then guided her in front of the gates of the village far away from any interruptions.

"So...what is it?" Sakura said full of  curiosity.

"Well uh...do you...remember the day I made that promise to bring Sasuke back to the village and well hehe..." Naruto started to say but started blushing hard.

"Naruto are you gonna tell me or not." She said annoyed with his antics.

"Ok ok I actually made a promise no a vow that after all is this was over I was gonna do something that I've been wanting to do for a very long time." Naruto said seriously. He was looking  directly into Sakura's eyes with all seriousness.

"And that is?" Sakura said with curiosity. He then caught her off guard and grabbed her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes while surprisingly she did the same.

"Sakura I...I have always loved you ever since I first saw you." Naruto said. Sakura was stunned at his words and listened as he continued. "I love everything about you from forehead to toe and...you were there for me even when everybody doubted me and NV even cheered me on and...that's why I'm confessing to right now...I love you Sakura chan." Naruto said.

Sakura looked at him and could tell he was serious. Sai had told her about this before but didn't take it seriously since he didn't know anything about emotions.

"Naruto I..." She started to say. She saw the love and hope in his eyes. "I'm so sorry but I can't accept your confession." Sakura said. As she suspected his heart broke in two and tearing up all the hope he had for them to be together.

"Why...can't you?" Naruto said cracking his voice in the process. It pained her to see him like this.

"Because I still-" She started said but got cut off.

"Love Sasuke I figured that." Naruto said while turning away from her.

"Yeah." She still had feelings for Sasuke but also didn't think she deserved to be with him because of the way she treated him through the years.

"Right I'll um...I'll see you later Sakura." Naruto said. This time he didn't add the suffix to her name kinda surprised her and it kids didn't. He then walk away heart broken.

               Flashback over

"Oh we've been...wonderful Sakura san and how are you Sandra?" Hinata answered.

"I am fine thank you Mrs. Uzumaki."

"Well actually-" Sakura said but then got cut off.

"Um sorry but we have to get going now I'll see you later Sakura." Naruto said coldly.

"Right um Goodbye then." Sakura said in a sad tone. Naruto, Hinata, and their children left to go to their house.

'I regret ever turning him down.' Sakura thought.

'I regret ever loving her .' Naruto thought.

sorry I've been spotty lately. Theres a lot going on right now bit I'll be back during winter break.

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