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               A little encouragement

Sakura was taking a break from her duties with Lady Tsunade. She, and all of the village's ninjas, had been working extra hard because of the evil organization called the Akatsuki. They're a very powerful group that consist of nine dangerous members. They were even able to temporarily kill Gaara.

Sakura shuttered at the thought of Gaara's dead corpses while one of the two murders just sitting on top of him. She could only imagine how Naruto felt seeing his close friend just lying there.


'How could they be so cruel?' She asked herself.  Sakura pushed the whole thought to the back of her mind. She didn't want to think about that horrible incident when she's off on such a beautiful day.

"Let's just focus on things that more positive today." She said aloud. Sakura walked the rest of the path. She stopped when she saw a bench and a familiar figure sitting on it.

"Who that?" Sakura said. She walked closer to the figure while the figure started to get clearer and clearer.

'Its.... Naruto?' Sakura mentally said. 'Wasn't he supposed to be training?' She asked herself.

He looked deep in thought about something but decided to decided to approach him. Naruto didn't even notice her presence when she was walking towards him.

"Hey Naruto."  Sakura said.

Naruto flinched a little and looked up in surprise. "Uh h-hey Sakura chan!" He said while scratching the back of his neck. "W-what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well I wanted to take a day off from my duties with Lady Tsunade and thought I take a walk." Sakura explained. "But then I find you here which brings me to the question, why are you here instead of training?" Sakura asked.

Naruto looked back down. "Well..." Naruto trailed off. Sakura sat down next to him.

"Well what?" She had a little concern in her eyes. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

"......." Naruto stayed silent still looking at the ground.

"Naruto...." Sakura said.

"....I'm here because... because I don't think I'm ready for all this." He admitted. Sakura was shocked at what he said.

"What so you mean you don't think you're strong enough for this?" She asked.

"I don't know I just have this feeling in me telling me that I can't beat the Akatsuki let alone being Sasuke back to the village." Naruto explained.

Sakura looked straight sadly with the mention of Sasuke. "Oh."

"Yeah." He said.

There was an akaward silence between them before Sakura spoke again.

"But Naruto you are string enough." Sakura said still looking straight.

"What?" Naruto said and turned to her. "What do you mea?"

"You baka it's amazing how weak you think you are right now." She chuckled. "Do you even realize that you are stronger than you know?"

"Then I know?" He was confused. He was unsuccessful in retreating Sasuke and couldn't even beat that one Akatsuki guy so how could he think he was strong?

"Baka baka baka," Sakura put her hand over his and looked at him. You are the strongest person I know ok?" You can do things that no one else can do  and you have the fighting spirit and kindness that no one else has. You been strong emotionally and physically and you have so much potential inside of you. So please don't doubt yourself on your strength." Sakura said.

Naruto was taken back by her encouraging words. He never expected her to say that about him to him. "Sakura chan..."

"Well," She sighed. "I have to get going there's some more things I wanna see and visit things that I haven't done since this whole mess started... I'll see you later Naruto." Sakura said and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Sakura turned around and faced him.

"Thank you." Naruto said with a bright smile. "I'll make sure to do my best believe it!" He said. Sakura giggled inside and smiled. 'What my Naruto.' and walked separate ways.

School started two weeks ago and it's been wild! I swear! So much homework!

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