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                       Love letters

It was a rainy dull day in Konoha high. Everything seems gray and depressing to high school junior Sakura Haruno. It's been raining for four days straight and everybody has been gloomy the past four days. Well except for one person Sakura Haruno. You see for the past four weeks Sakura has been getting these love letters from her secret admirer each one I filled with more affection than the last. Right now she's heading to her locker smiling with excitement.

'Oh I can't wait to see what its gonna be this time.' She thought excitedly to herself. 'Maybe rose or a necklace or more complements!' She thought. She opened her locker and a light pink note fell from her locker into the floor. She bent down and grabbed it and opened it only to find.....a map?

"What a map?" She said. It looked like a map of the whole school. She then turn it on the back. There was writing on the back so she read it. "Follow this map to find my heart at the end of the day and I'll be waiting for you love your secret admirer." It said.

"So I finally get to see him." She said. She looked to her feet blushing and smiling.  'I'll see you soon.' Sakura thought. She then closed her locker and headed to her next class.

All throughout her classes all she could think about was her admirer. She imagined what he would look like or how he would reveal himself or his personality.

'What if we...' She thought. She blushed harshly at the thought of that happening. Soon the last bell of the day rang telling everybody it was time to leave school. But to Sakura it meant finally meeting the guy she fell in love with through his writing and poetry.

While everybody went to the gate, she followed the map and ended up on the roof top of the school. She then looked at the paper again. He said that he would be the one in the school's garden waiting for her. Moments later she spotted someone sitting in the school's garden display area and headed over there.

As she got closer she could identify his features. He had bright yellow spikey hair, sun kissed skin and was a lot taller than her.

'Hmm something about his appearance seems...familiar.' Sakura thought. She had finally reached him and put her hand out shyly and tapped his shoulder. When he turned around she knew exactly who it was.

"N-Naruto your my secret admirer?" She asked him. He then looked away blushing a bit. Naruto was the class clown of the whole school and always got detention for pulling pranks on people.

"....Yes and I know your surprised that it was me I know...." Naruto said still looking away from her.

"Well to tell you the truth i...actually thought you would be the last person to do this," Sakura stated. Naruto knew what was coming next. He was used to it anyway. School rejects him all the time.

"I....understand... I'll just go...sorry I wasted your time." He said sadly. He knew she wouldn't accept him because of the things he's done. With a beautiful intelligent girl and an idiot like him it would never work. He was about to walk away but she pulled on his arm.

"Wait I didn't say I didn't like you." She said blushing. "Look these letters you always wrote to me is the most sweetest thing anybody had ever done for me." "Everyday I look forward to these letters but in truth I always wanted to meet the person who stole my heart and...I guess what I'm saying is that... I don't care who you are idiot or not I...I love you." She said blushing madly now.

"Wait you mean-" Naruto stated.

"Yes I love you ill even shout it from the roof top to prove it." Sakura said smiling.

"But what your friends won't they think badly of you for dating a guy like me?" Naruto asked.

"Who cares what they think all that matters is that we are together." She said getting close to him. He stepped closer to her as well.

"You know you not caring what other people think is one of the things I fell for you over....the other is your charming forehead...makes me what to kiss it." He said smiling at her. She giggled at his complement. As her giggling subsided their lips got closer to one another with their bodies touching each other leaving no space between.

"Sakura chan..." Naruto said.

"Yeah....?" Sakura answered.

"I love you too..." He said. Right after their lips touched.

Its been awhile y'all sorry to keep you waiting this long. It was gonna be posted yesterday but it looked like crap. It was so rushed so I redid it. Up date later this week or day. Hope y'all enjoyed it. Again a little rusty but its pretty good.

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