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Meeting the parents physically
and mentally

"And then the guy says to me "put a sock in it you old man" and then I say-"

"Ok Kizashi I think thats enough story telling for one night." Mebuki says interrupting her husband.

"Aww but I wanted to hear more of the story." Naruto whined. Naruto wanted to meet Sakura's parents parents since they were dating for about three months now so she let him.

"See! The boy has good taste in stories and Sakura has good taste in men too!" Kizashi said. The two have been getting along just fine because of their boisterous and similar personality.

"Dad its late aren't you even tired at all?" Sakura said looking a bit tired.

"No but you do you should go to the back and rest honey." Kizashi said concerned for his daughter.

"Yeah I think I'll do that...night everybody." Sakura said getting up.

"I'll come with you Sakura chan." Naruto said getting up too. He really wanted to talk to the parents more but his first priority is his girlfriend.

"No no you can stay I just need a quick nap...the hospital been really busy last few days." She said.

"Are you sure your gonna be ok sweetie?" Mebuki asked.

"Yeah I mean if you want me to come with you I can." Naruto said concerned for her.

"No I'm fine...night." Sakura said. She then headed to her old room when she was little and laid down. As soon as she did she instantly fell asleep. She then wakes up in a kitchen with food on the table and two chairs in front of her.

"Where am I?" She asked herself. Soon a person came to the dinner table and sat down in front of her.

"Ah Haruno Sakura was it? I'm Minato Namikaze." He said while putting out his hand. She looked at him and took notice to his appearance. He had medium blonde hair, blue eyes and a blue shirt on. She hesitated but shook his hand. As she shook his hand,she had realized something.

"Your Naruto's dad ,but your dead...how am I meeting you?" Sakura asked. He was about to answer but somebody answered for him.

"This is a dream Sakura I mean we might be dead but we- I really,wanted,to me the girl who captured my son's heart." A woman with long red hair said. She had on a orange shirt that's covered by her apron with the uzumaki sign on it.

"My name is Kushina its nice to meet you Sakura chan." Kushina said excitedly with a smile similar to Naruto's.

"Its nice to meet you both too but I have a lot of questions for you guys if you don't mind...I've always wanted to meet the two of you two." Sakura said with smile on her face.

"Well the feelings neutral Sakura ,and we have a lot of questions for you too." Minato said with a smile. So then on Sakura, Minato, and Kushina got to know each other and got along great with each other. Especially her and Kushina since they're kind of similar. Minato even saw his own wife in her. 'You picked a good one Naruto...well done.'

Meanwhile, Naruto was having a blast laughing at Kizashi's lame jokes while Mebuki looked annoyed with her husband's jokes. On the other hand she and Naruto got along too but its a mother in law to son in law it a son I never had kind of relationship but not as close as these two are right now. But with all honesty, she believed that her daughter found the perfect guy to date...and to bring around Kizashi for amusement. 'Great job Sakura...you found yourself a keeper.'

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