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"Man I didn't expect the temperature to drop this low tonight." Sakura said.

"Yeah me neither. At the mission briefing, Kakashi-hokage said that this was a hot spot. I guess not." Naruto said.

"Or we haven't reached it yet. If I would've known that, I would've brought a jacket or something. I'm freezing!" Sakura clutched both of her arms and shivered. Naruto ,on the other hand was unfazed.

"You are?"

"Well not freezing but I'm really really cold. Man I wish I had a jacket."

"You don't have to wish. Here." Naruto took off his jacket revealing his fishnet shirt. "Put this on."

"Oh you don't have to.." she refused

"Nah it's ok. I can take the cold."

"You sure?"

"Yeah of course! I've always had more body heat than most so." He reassured. "Really it's no trouble at all."

Sakura smiled back and gave in. "Alright alright. Thanks."

As they began walking farther into the forest, Sakura noticed Naruto shivering out of the corner of her eye.

"Oi are you cold?"

"What? No no like I told you earlier, I can take it!" He half smiled.

"Give it up Naruto. I can see your nipples through ya fishnet t-shirt. Get your shirt back." she said taking off his jacket.

"Can you really see them?" Naruto asked while covering them.with his hands.

"Yes. Yes I can."

"Ok ok." He complied and put his shirt back on.

"You know what, I think I have an idea that'll keep us both warm."


"We sticking together." She wrapped her hands around his torso and covered her exposed side with the left flap of the jacket. "Literally."

"I like this idea." He declared.

"I knew you would." She said rolling her eyes.

"So we're just going to cuddle the whole way there?" He asked.

"Pretty much." She answered

"This is the best idea you've ever had!"

"Shut up."

Hey guys! As Narusaku comes to it's final 10 chapters, I would like to say that I will be taking a break. Just until the fall at least. The reason I'll be taking a break is because the past ten chapters need to be on point, fresh, and not cringy like the early days , shout out to y'all if y'all remember those days ugh. Anyways, I felt like these last three chapters have been dry so I need to take a break and refresh my mind. I will come back , again, in the fall or sooner! Depends! ( Also, I will still be on Wattpad writing unpublished books so if any questions arises, I'll be here to answer.)Anyways, thanks guys and I'll see you later!

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