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And The Point of it All
Part 1

Naruto roamed the scarce streets of Konoha in deep thought. Lately, it's like he's been in a trace of some sort. All week, the only thing that's been on his mind was his beloved; which wasn't uncommon. The man was practically head over heels in love! But this.... This was different.

From last Monday up until today, he's reflected on the past as well as thinking of the future. He was sure that he loved her. Hell, he knew it.

No, what he really wasn't sure about was how to ask her.

A small sigh escaped his lips for the third time today as that dreaded question crossed his mind again.

Ever since that day at the party a few months ago, he realized at that moment that Sakura was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He even bought the engagement ring that very week! For two months, he came up with ideas on when, where and how the pop the question.  And for two months, all have came up short.

'What am I going to do?' he thought. It seemed like his brain could come up with anything creative except for this particular subject.


As he walked on with the moon shining down upon him, he looked around for inspiration. So far, nothing. That is until he saw them.

 That is until he saw them

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"Cherry blossoms. That's right, they're in bloom right now.  He held his hand out catching flying petals into his hands. He watched them gracefully fall from the branches until it clicked inside his mind.

'Yes! That's it!'

He slipped his hand into his pocket and gripped a small box.

'Yeah. I'm ready.'

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