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              The wedding part 1

Naruto walked along the sidewalks of Konoha, his home town. The evening sky shone bright in the distance as he walked passed the setting sun, taking a glance every now and then. It was the day before the wedding, his wedding! The day he's dreamt of since meeting his soon to be bride. He was so excited but first, he wanted to visit someone else just as important before the day.

'Iruka Sensei'

Iruka was, and still is, one of the most important person to him because he was there for him all the way back to when he was just a rebellious kid. He was his first bond. After losing his parents in a car crash at a young age, he was put into an orphanage. Naruto wasn't much different than the other kids but since he had unique whisker birthmarks, he was bullied. It lasted awhile but then he came.

Iruka was an orphan himself and grew up there as well. Having fond memories and such, he decided to give back and help out his original home. One day, Iruka came across some of the boys bullying Naruto over his birthmarks. He immediately stepped in and scolded the boys and reassured the Naruto's whiskers were unique and nothing bro be ashamed of. This whole interaction started a beautiful relationship. It grew to something more when Iruka adopted Naruto a year and a half later.

'I'll never forget that day...' He thought.


"Naruto-san! Come here for a moment!" The orphanage overseer called for him.

"Coming!" He got up and sprinted over into his office. He saw Iruka standing beside him.

"Have a sit Naruto." He gestured.

"Ok." He cautiously sat down. "Am I in trouble again because I swear I didn't do anything this time."

"No no no." The overseer chuckled. "You're not in trouble. In fact, I have great news for you."

"Is that why I'm here? What's the news?" He asked.

"Well," he turned to Iruka. "Would you like to tell him?" Iruka looked excited and immediately accepted the offer.

"Yes sir." He turned to Naruto, who was still confused about the whole thing, and kneeled down in front of him.

"Naruto, how would you like me to be your permit family?"

Naruto's eyes widen at the mention of family. "F-Family...? Am I-you want to... adopt....me?" Iruka shook his head yes and Naruto's eyes instantly weld in tears. He never thought he would get adopted-not even the person he wanted to be adopted by.

But alas...

"Yes!" That one yes was all it took for Iruka to embrace him into the tightest hug he's given.

'Thank you....Iruka Sensei'

                  ~Flashback over~

Naruto looked at his old apartment number for a few moments before he knocked

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Naruto looked at his old apartment number for a few moments before he knocked.

"Who is it?" A voice called out.

"It's me!" Naruto answered. Footsteps were heard after he spoke and immediately the door swung open.

"Naruto?" Iruka said both out of breath and surprise. "W-What are you doing here? I thought you were gearing up for the wedding tomorrow afternoon? Oh God what time is it?"

"I am but I just wanted to talk to you about something. Can I come in?" He asked.

Iruka looked a little worried and stepped aside. "Sure. Ah is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything's awesome actually! It's just that...I have something I want to ask you."

"Oh? Well, ask away."

"Well, I've been thinking about this for awhile now and I was conflicted but I know for sure that this is what I want." He explained.

"And that is?"

"Can you be my best man?"

Iruka was taken aback. "Y-Your.... You want me..... But I thought Sasuke-"

"Sasuke and already discussed this, plus he's the one who came up with the idea, and stepped down."

"But.... Why me?" He asked.

"Because, you were the very first person who got to know me and cared for me way back when. You were like....my first friend. You took me into your home, even though I was a bit of a knucklehead hehe, and treated me as though I was your flesh and blood. It'd been so long and after all of the attention seeking things I did, you came and was put into my life. I'd really appreciate it if you become my best man...." Naruto explained.

Stray tears fell from Iruka's eyes onto the floor.

"Iruka Sensei....."

"Naruto... I.... I'd be honored to be your best man!" He accepted his offer.


"Of course I'd say yes! Now come here!" He said and embraced Naruto into a tight hug. Naruto hugged as tightly as he could right back.

"Thank you! ......Thank you."

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