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"So.... Do you think they're going to be a boy or a girl? I want a boy but a girl would be awesome too! Though having a girl would be more troublesome... Gah I sound just like Shikamaru when he and Temari we're expecting. E-Either way, I'll take a boy or girl! Or maybe it could be both! W-What do you think Sakura-chan?" Naruto questioned eagerly awaiting his pregnant wife's answer.

"I think you need to slow it down." She chuckled. "We literally just found out a week ago. Let the baby grow a bit first before wondering what the gender is and which gender is harder to take care of. Also, no twins." She looked from her book to him. "Because we're clearly not ready. Especially you sir." She looked at him.

"But-I mean-what if we do have twins? I'm not trying to rush the process or anything but....if we do-"

"Hopefully we will not..."

"If we do!.... What are their names going to be?"

"I still haven't found any good names yet in this damn book. Did you come up with anything?" Sakura asked. When she asked, it was as if his eyes lit up like a light bulb. Clearly he'd been thinking about all of this in the past week or so.

"Well! I'm glad you asked because I have came up with a few!"

"Well," Sakura closed the book mentally bookmarking the page and sat up on the wall. "Let's hear em."

"All right! So, if they come out a girl, I was thinking Hanami or Sayrai, or Momo."

"Momo is cute.... But I'm liking the sound of that Hanami name." She concluded.

"Right?! Okay so if they turn out a boy,  I thought of Orenji or Shinachiku."

"Hm.... Shinachiku..... I like it! Orenji is cute too but.... Shinachiku... Yeah I'm feeling that name more. How did you come up with these names anyways?"

"I don't really know. They just popped into my head.

"Oh. Nice job." She praised him. "We'll see which we'll use in a few months or so.

          ~Three months later~

The couple were currently at their first doctors appointment to get an ultrasound when knock came at the door followed by someone walking in.

"Sorry about that, I had another patient and things got complicated.
Ah I'm Doctor Watanabe."

"It's alright Doctor, no need to apologise." Naruto reassured.

"We we're just discussing the possibility of the baby-"

"Or babies!"

"....of the baby's gender and what name." Sakura said.

"Oh? Already? It's only been three month since then if I'm correct." He questioned.

"He likes to think ahead." Sakura giggled.

"I see." The doctor chuckled to himself.

He grabbed the transducer and spread the gel like substance on to her growing stomach.

"So doctor, are we having twins?" Naruto asked abruptly. Sakura, in response, hit him on his arm. "Ow..."

"No no. No twins, just one little one growing."

"Thank God...." Sakura whispered to herself.

The doctor continued. "Well, it looks like you have a healthy amount of fluids in your uterus which is great for the baby and you. The baby looks to be really healthy-have you been taking my advice?"

"About watching what I eat? Yes I have." She answered.

"I can see that." The doctor now looked at the couple. "Now it has been three months which, you most likely already know, the baby is far enough into development to know which gender they would be. Would you-"

"Yes!" Naruto said a bit too trigger happy about the question.

"Naruto!" Sakura called to him menacingly through grit teeth.

"Ah s-sorry Dr. Watanabe...my mistake."

The doctor chuckled at the couple. "It's fine Mr. Uzumaki, this isn't anything new to me. You're not the first parent to do that so don't feel too bad."

"Oh wow...." He mumbled.

"Anyway," Sakura interrupted the two. "Dr. Watanabe, what is our baby's gender?"

"Oh right! Yes! Let's see...... Oh!"

"Well...?" Naruto asked anxious for his answer.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Uzumaki, you're having a boy!"

"Yes!" Naruto exclaimed. "It's a boy!"

"You're so loud!" She scolded him but it didn't seem like he cared nor payed attention. Sakura sighed and thanked the doctor. "Thank you so much Doctor Watanabe. I really appreciate you dealing with.....this."

"It's fine! You guys are one of my very few highlights of the day! Oh by the way, what will you name him?"

"Shinachiku. Uzumaki Shinachiku will be his name."

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