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  And The Point Of it All
Part 2

"Oh wow," Sakura said in awe. Every year she come and see the flowers in full bloom and every year, she'd have the same reaction to the cherry blossoms. Full of admiration and wonder. "It seems like they get prettier each year."

"Yeah." Naruto said staring at his love. "They sure do." He snapped out of his mini trace and grasped Sakura's hand stealing her attention. "Come on, the boat is probably ready by now."

Sakura blushed a bit at his touch. It was weird to her. Three years and still she blushed like a school girl touching her crush. She'd guess it made sense though. He made her feel like a school girl with a huge crush.


They tightly held hands as they walked along the small bridge over the river

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They tightly held hands as they walked along the small bridge over the river. The cherry petals were flying everywhere due to it being almost time for them to disappear til next year, which resulted in the river being almost covered by them. It looked as if it was just a never ending pool of cherry blossoms. It was nice.

"Alright, are you folks ready?" The boat keeper asked.

"We're ready. Thanks!" Naruto thanked.

"Of course." The boat keeper held the boat still as they got on. Once they were situated, he untied the knot and gave a slight push. "Have fun you too!" He waved.

"Thank you! We will!" Sakura waved back.

"What a lovely couple." He murmured to himself.

" He murmured to himself

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"The river....it's much more beautiful than I remember." Naruto quietly said.

"You never told me you came here before did you?" she asked.

"No I didn't. But I know that you did so I thought why not hehe." He chuckled.

"Oh? When was the last time you came here? With another girl I presume?" Sakura asked in a teasing tone.

"Actually, you're the first person I've ever brought here."

"Oh really? Am I that special?" She giggled and looked towards the trees on the river bank.

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