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          New year's Eve party part 2

"Yes she's going!" Naruto cheered.

"Don't be so loud." Sasuke said with a monotone voice. "You want your neighbors down the hall to complain again do you?"

"Oh yeah heh you're right." He said and calmed down a bit.

"Now that you know she's coming, you gotta look the part!" Kiba said coming from the kitchen with an apple in his hand.

"And you can't act like an idiot around her like you always do." Neji said not looking up from his phone.

"So basically, don't be yourself." Shikamaru concluded from the love seat.

"Not be myself?" Naruto questioned.
"What's wrong with being me?"

"A lot of things..." Sasuke said.

"Shut it Sasuke!" Naruto replied.

"Nothing is wrong with being yourself Naruto." Kiba said sitting next to shikamaru. "But we both notice that when you're around her you just act dumber than usual. Like really dumb."

"He is right. Remember when somebody asked you what four times three was and you got so nervous that you said seven instead of twelve?" Neji said.

"That was one time! When are y'all gonna let that go?" Naruto complained.

Hahaha never!" Kiba replied
Naruto groaned in annoyance. He remembers that day like it was yesterday. Him, Sasuke, and Sakura were in a class together while in college. He had fell asleep and the professor woke Naruto up and asked him the question. He was so tired that he really didn't understand him and thought he said addition instead of multiply and replied with seven. The whole class , except Sasuke of course, shared a chuckle including her. When he realized what he said, put his head down in embarrassment.

"Anyways, all we're trying to say is that to not embarrass yourself in front of her by acting more idiotic than normal." Shikamaru explained.

"I wasn't planning on it." He says. "I'm prepared this time."

"Didn't you say that last time you attempted to asked Sakura out?" Sasuke asked.

"Hahaha Damn!" Kiba laughed.

"Shut up teme or else I'll shut it for you!" Naruto threatened.

"Like you could." Sasuke replied nonchalantly which made Naruto even more annoyed.

"Alright Alright. You two are so troublesome. I don't know how you two are close friends," Shikamaru mumbling the last part. "What's your plan since you're 'prepared' this time?"

"Well since it is New year's Eve, I plan to kiss her at midnight..." The room was silent for a few moments before Kiba spoke up.

"You really going do that? With Sakura?" He asked.

"Uh yeah."

"Well I don't know about that. It's not like she's gonna let you just do that." Kiba said.

"I know that Kiba. I'll just make a conversation and use my charm." Naruto said cheeky like. They all busted out laughing, including a chuckle from Sasuke and Neji.

"What charm?!" Kiba asked.

"Yeah Naruto I mean you're not exactly the most charming guy we know." Shikamaru said.

"There's A LOT more things charming than you." Neji said.

"I think Akru is more charming than him hahaha." Kiba laughed. While Sasuke nodded in agreement. Naruto got fed up and decided it was time for everybody to leave.

"Alright! I have had enough of all of you so y'all can get out of my apartment ASAP!" He said and kicked them all out.

"So sensitive." Kiba complained.

"See you at the party tonight." Neji said and left with the rest. Naruto closed the door and leaned upon it.

'What if they were kinda right? What if I do act stupid in front of her?, Then what will she think of me?!' Naruto thought but decided to push those thoughts in the back of his head. ' I can't get discouraged now! Then all of that practicing in the mirror for weeks would be a total waste!' he thought.

"I should just go get ready..." He said and headed to his bedroom to get ready for the party.

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