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                       ~By the way~

"Aw.. look at him all peaceful with hayate." Sakura cooed.

"And it only took," Naruto looked at his watch. "Three hours. That a new record right?"

"Yup. Better that four hours of crying right?"




"Shouldn't we be resting now that we've gotten him down?" Naruto asked.

"I've been up so long, I've forgotten how to relax." Sakura replied. Naruto silently agreed and took a seat against the wall of his son's room and grabbed a blanket.

"Sit." He offered. She obliged and snuggled up next to him. He put the blanket around the both of them and pulled her close.


"Hm...?" She replied half asleep.

"I'm not having another kid."


"Good. I'm glad we agree."



".....Oh! By the way..." Sakura suddenly spoke.


"I'm pregnant."

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