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"Ino did you pay the internet bill yet?" Sakura said coming into the living room.

"Uh I thought you paid it...it's your month isn't it?" Ino said turning to her.

"Um no because I paid for the internet last month while you paid the rent... remember?" Sakura said crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah...sorry I didn't." Sakura sighed loudly and walked to the kitchen. "But I just paid it....now." She said pulling out her phone.

"Ugh you're so forgetful sometimes on paying so bills like we're roommates we pay the bills together with the little money we make." Sakura explained.

"Ok ok you don't have to do your little speech sheesh I promise I won't forget next time I'll just put it in my phone as a reminder....see." She said holding up for Sakura to see. Sakura looked back and laughed to herself.

"Whatever just watch you forget next month." Sakura said while fixing a glass of water. She put up the water jug in the refrigerator and sat down next to Ino on the couch.

"What are you watching anyway?" She asked.

"How to get away with murder season one." She answerd with her eyes glued to the screen.

"Oh I always wanted to see that but I never got a chance to look at it." Sakura said.

"Yeah it's a good show I guess." Ino said. They stated to watch the show together when a little while later they heard a knock at their door.

"Who the heck could that be?" Sakura asked herself.

"I don't know but you're gonna answer it." Ino said. Sakura got up and walked to the door. She looked through the little windshield and saw a guy with blonde hair and a colorful outfit outside. She unlocked the locks and opened the door.

'Who is he?' She thought. The man had a black hat on backwards with an orange jacket on with a grey top and black bottoms. He had blue eyes to match with his hair and had fix like tattoos on his cheeks.

"Uh h-hi." Sakura said

"Hi, I'm Naruto and I just moved in yesterday down the hall." Naruto said extending his hand out.

"Oh uh Hi Naruto my name is Sakura." She said shaking his hand.

'This hand is so soft.' she thought.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but I was just asking if you had any sugar?" Naruto asked.

"Uh-" Sakura was cut off by Ino from behind.

"Why are you taking so long?" Ino asked her. Ino saw the redness on Sakura cheeks and then looked at the dude infront of them and smiled.

"Oh and who might this be?" She asked.

"Ino Naruto Naruto Ino. He just moved in down the hall and was asking if we had any sugar." Sakura explained.

Ino got an idea in her head and smiled. "Oh well Naruto got plenty of sugar." She said.

"Wait we do?" Sakura said to her lowly.

"Yeah you!" Ino whispered and pushed her out the door closing and locking the door behind her.

"Oi!" Sakura yelled.

"There's your sugar Naruto!" She yelled. Sakura huffed and turned around to face him
Het cheeks were as red as a tomato because of the embarrassment.

"So...I got locked out." Sakura said.

"Haha yeah I can see that." Naruto chuckled. It soon turned I to an akaward silence until Naruto spoke up.

"I like your hair its very beautiful." He said.

"Oh um t-thank you." She said while touching her hair. "I've met so many people that has said otherwise." She says.

"Well I think it fits you...or your face at least." He said.

"Haha my face?" She giggled.

"Ah w-well you know what I mean." Naruto said getting red himself.

"I do I do." Sakura said.

"But um...I was gonna go to the cafe I saw earlier while I was out and I was wondering if you would like to come
To know you better of course hehe." Naruto asked her.

"Um yeah sure how about four o'clock?" Sakura blushed agreed.

"Perfect I'll uh see you then." He said and headed down the hallway. Sakura turned around smiled hard to herself and knocked on the door. It opened and let her in.

"So what happened out there?" Ino anxiously asked.

"I got asked to go to a little cafe with him at four!" Sakura yelled. They both started to jump up in down screaming their headed off.

"Come on Sakura you have to get ready!" Ino said dragging her to their shared room.

School has been hectic. Just one more update then I'll work on the other one.

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