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Part 2

"Hey there's some seats in the the front lets go." I said to Sasuke. Usually our seats would be all the way in the back so we can talk but I just wanted him to sit by Karin.

"But what about-" Sasuke started to say but I cut him off.

"Come on!" I said practically dragging him there. When we got there there weren't actually two seats there but one. 'Darn!' I thought.

"Of man there's only one seat here...you don't mind if sit here by yourself to day right?" I asked him.

"Yes actually I mind now like I said lets go to the back." Sasuke said. He started to walk to the back until....

"Ya know a little bit of the Akatsuki transferred into this class right?" I said with a smirk. That stopped him dead in his tracks.

"I'll sit down here then but only because they got on my last nerve...especially Deidara." Sasuke said.

"Ok I'll sit in the back but um..." I said to him. I then started to walk to Karin. "Hey Karin do you mind if Sasuke sit here with you?" I asked her. She then started to blush.

"Of course...I mean yeah sure...whatever." Karin said.

"Great by Sasuke I'll be in the back." I said to him running up the stairs going to the back.

"Hi Sasuke kun." Karin said.

"Hn" Sasuke said. 'Oh kami please help me.'

As soon as I say down in the back somebody well...two somebodies walked in. It was Tobi, Deidara, and Sasori.

"Glad you could make It to my class...take your seats in the back." Mr. Asuma said to the three boys.

"Tobi is sorry were late." Tobi said bowing to the teacher while the other two looked like they couldn't care less...as usual. They then started to head back here where I am and when they saw me they smiled.

"Hey Caitlin I didn't know you were in this class un." Deidara said to me sitting down next to me.

"Hey guys and yes I am." I said not even paying any attention to them. I was too busy looking at Sasuke and Karin not interacting at all.

"What is Caitlin chan looking at?" Tobi asked me.

"Oh well you see hehe I'm trying to get Sasuke and,Karin to go together...but hes not doing anything!" Whisper yelled.

"Doesn't the little brat already go with that little girl?" Sasori asked with no emotion.

"Yeah but you know that they're not right for each other so I'm tryna ya know..." I said to them.

"Well good luck on that un" Deidara said with a smirk.

"No I need Jesus with him...but thanks anyway." I said smiling at him. The rest of the time I saw nothing happening,between them so I decided to....intervene.

"Psst Sasuke." I whisper yelled for him while throwing a balled piece of paper at him. This went for about two minutes before he turned around to face me.

"What!" He whisper yelled back me.

"Hi um can you ask Karin for a pencil for me please?" I asked in a nervous gesture.

"........No" He said then turned back around to his work. The others laughed at my epic fail soon shut up when I looked at them with a death glare because they know I can actually kill them.

"Caitlin will stop talking in my class!" Mr. Asuma yelled at me.

"Oh Mr. Asuma you see the reason I was talking-" I started saying nervously but then got cut off.

"Caitlin there will be no back talking in this class and you know,what happens if you do...one week of detention."

"But Mr. Asuma," I said then got an idea,"Sasuke and Karin were talking too!" I shouted back.

"What!" Sasuke and Karin said in unison.

"Is that so hmm both of you get one week detention and Caitlin you get two for snitching." Mr. Asuma said.

'Totally worth it' I thought to myself. I then heard them laughing again.

"Shut up I can already tell this is gonna take some time so I might as well put them in a quiet room together." I said.

"No we're not laughing about that." Sasori said.

"Caitlin chan Itachi san is gonna be in detention too." Tobi said. This just went from challenging to 99% impossible and 1% percent possible. Then the bell rang and I.bb ran down the steps only to get stopped by Sasuke and Karin.

"Hey guys you ain't mad right?" I asked nervously.

"Mad doesn't even describe what we're feeling." Karin said.

"Oh." I said then made a run for it. Luckily I was on the track team last year so I ran pretty far way from them. I then decided to check on Naruto and Sakura. As I walked towards them it looked like Sakura was leaving him but before she did she kissed him on the cheek.

'Yes they're making progress!' I thought in my mind. Now all I need to do is see about Kiba, Hinata, Karin, and Sasuke.

Part 3 later~

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