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       .          Happy birthday Hanami

"Ahhhh!" Sakura screamed out in pain.

"Momma are you ok?!" Her worried son asked. Sakura weakly smiled her son.

"Yes I'm fine m-momma's stomach hurts a little." She said as calm as she could.

"Don't worry momma, I'll be here for you." Little shina said.

Sakura chuckled but was cut short when the sharp pain came again.

"NARUTO!" She screamed.

"We're here!" He said. Naruto got out of the car and quickly unbuckled shinachiku out if his booster seat and got him out. He then ran on the other and lifted up his wife and carried her into the hospital.

"Hokage Sama! You're here! Is she-" a medic asked

"Yes now here! Park my car for me please? I'm a bit busy at the moment!" Naruto said.

"Someone get me a medic! She's in labor!"He yelled. Not a moment too soon, a medic brought out a wheelchair and wheeled her into the emergency room.

7 hours later~

"C'mon Sakura just one last push ok?! One of the doctors said.

"One...last...push! Ahhhh!" Sakura panted and yelled

"..........Wahhhhh!" The baby cried.

"Congratulations Sakura Sama. You just gave birth to a healthy little girl." The main medic in charge said.

"T-thank y-you....." She managed to say.

While the other doctors were cleaning the baby off, one of the doctors went outside and told the rest of the family to come inside.

"Would you like to see your wife and kid Hokage sama? She asked.

"Y-yes of course! C'mon shina chan." Naruto said and grabbed his hand to see his mother.

They came in at the sight of Sakura smiling and looking down at her daughter.

"She's so beautiful Naruto..." Sakura said.

"Just like her mother." Naruto said smiling at her. Sakura faced him and smiled right back at him. "C'mon shinachiku. Do you want to see your new little sister?" He asked. Shinachiku nodded and climbed into his father's lap.

"She pretty!" Shina said.

"Yeah she is isn't she honey." Sakura replied.

"What's her name?" Shinachiku asked. Naruto and Sakura looked at each other and then at the baby.

"Hanami. Her name is Hanami." Sakura said.

I'm late but I had writer's block

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