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A bloody Halloween...

"Comon guys lets go!" A little boy named Tamakei yelled to his friends behind him. Tonight was Halloween and you know what that means....CANDY!

"I'm coming!" A girl named Mimi said running after him.

"I don't know about this house I mean it looks kinda scarry..." Another little boy named Ryou said following the boy and girl.

"Oh come on Ryou this is the last house of the night and the house is supposed to look creepy duh." Tamakei

"Yeah Ryou I thought you said you loved creepy things?" Mimi asked turning back at him.

"I do but this house just feels...different." Mimi said. This was their last trick or treat visit since they visited every house in the leaf village. They decided try this house that was broke down. It was an old wooden house with fog surrounding the house. As they get closer to the house the fog around them seems to get thicker and thicker until....

"Guys where did you go?" Ryou said. He could see anything because of this thick fog.

"Tamakei...Mimi...anybody!" He yelled repeatedly. All he heard was total silence.

"Maybe I was right I mean they probably started to go home anyway." Ryou said with a nervous smile. He then started to go into a random direction and kept going but stop once he heard something...or someone.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Yelled someone. All Ryou could hear was a high pitched scream from a girl that sounded like Mimi.

"Noooo...get away...Noooo!" Said another voice. This time Ryou heard a boy voice that sounded a lot like Tamakei's.

"Ok guys if your pulling a Halloween prank on me its not funny." Ryou said nervously. He started to look around him nervously. He kept looking around until he saw someone....or something. He saw something staring at him with glowing blue eyes.

"Hello..." Ryou said in the direction where he saw those glowing eyes. He then saw something walking up to him. As it got closer Ryou started to take notice of its appearance. He saw that it was a young man with blonde hair, sharp nails, ripped dark blue shirt and....blood all over him. The man stopped right infront of him and stared right at Ryou and Ryou stared right back. It was like this until moments later the man made a sadistic smile at the little boy as he got closer to him.

"No stay back...stay back!" He yelled. Then Ryou took off in a sprint and the man following him. Ryou was running through the woods dodging all the other trees and branches. He then looked back at the man and saw that he was in his tail. It didn't take long for the man to catch the kid since he was much fast than him. The man jumped right infront of the boy and swing his claws hitting the little boy. The next thing Ryou knew was that he was tied up on a wooden table.

"Hey whats going on...let me go!" He yelled. He struggled to get out of the bars on his wrists and legs but it was no use. Ryou finally gave up on his attempt to escape.

"Hey what did you do with my friends tell me!" He yelled.

"Shhhh little boy...of you keep yelling like this then you'll disturb him." A lady said coming out of the shadows. She had pink hair, had on a sexy nurse outfit that had blood on it, glowing green eyes and blood on her face with stitches near her mouth.

"See." She said pointing the right side of him. He slowly turned his head to the right of him only to see horror on his face.

"Mimi!" Ryou yelled. He turned to see one of his best friends guts and blood all over her and her eyes gutted out of her head along with her heart. The mysterious man was feeding on her guts and her heart.

"No!" Ryou yelled with tears running down to his ears.

"Don't you want to know what happened to your other friend to?" The lady asked. Ryou stayed silent but she took that as a yes. So then she went in the left side of him and turned on the lights over there. What Ryou saw was total madness. Tamakei had been grinned into bits and pieces with his head on top of it like a decoration.

"You like it..its a true master piece." The lady said with a sadistic smile.

"No...please...let me go...please." Ryou said crying his heart out.

"Oh and why would we do that huh?" The lady asked. Ryou stayed silent.

"You see we don't like trick or treaters...they mock us with their hideous outfits so every chance we get we kill." The lady said.

"And we have big plans for you heheh." The lady said. She and the man then began to surround him. She then pulled out her bloody knife while the man smiled.

"Please..noo...nooooo!" Was all Ryou could yell. He was stabbed repeatedly while the other one was clawing at his stomach. The lady also started to stab him in the eyes and then carved his heart out. She took the heart and cut it in half and gave the other piece to the man.

After Halloween they would go back to being their human counter parts know as...Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno...until next Halloween.

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