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Thinkin bout you

It's really been a whole month since we met huh? It feels like it's been longer...like I've known her my whole life. Is this what...what falling in love feels like?

I turned on my side staring at the rain through my window. Times like these caused me to relax and think deeply about events that's happened in my life recently. So far, all I could think about was Haruno Sakura. She's been in my head since that train ride we took together and no.matter how hard I try, she just pops right back up.....


"It's almost six; I wonder where that Sakura girl is?" The spikey blonde haired man sighed. He'd gotten the six o'clock ticket last night before he told her about it. He figured that since he took the six o'clock ticket ,and there was only one other ticket which was 10 am, she take the same time as him. Maybe they could ride together to know each other better.

'Maybe she changed her mind? If so, this was a total bust! I could've slept in and gone at ten!' he thought.

Naruto looked down at her watch again and looked back at the entrance.

Still not here.

"Maybe...she's not coming." He concluded. The train started to roll up and opened it's doors. Everybody else gathered their things and started to board the train. Naruto slowly gathered his things as well as taking occasional glances at the entrance gate.

"Welp. That's that I guess..."

Just as he stepped foot on to the train steps, a familiar female voice called out to the train.

"Wait! Hold the door please!" The voice called out. Naruto stepped off the first step and turned his head to the left. It was her once again running in heels while dragging her luggage behind her.

'How does she run in those things...'

She finally got close enough and walked the rest of the way, still not recognizing him. "T-Thank you...for holding the door f-for me." She said as she tried to catch her breath

"You're welcome Sakura-san." Naruto said nonchalantly.

Sakura froze once she realized who held the door for her. Naruto simply smiled and boarded the train. Sakura regained her composure quickly and boarded the train.

Luckily, the train wasn't filled with many people so she figured there were still space for her luggage. After she put up her luggage, she roamed the aisle for a seat until she spotted the all too familiar Uzumaki sitting alone in the back.

"Might as well..." She mumbled and continued to the back. She tapped his shoulder; shifting leg weight due to embarrassment.

"So uh...you don't mind if I sit here right?"

"No not at all." He smiled once again.

"Thanks..." She said.

'That smile of his...it's so...bright? Is that how you describe it?' Sakura thought.

"Thanks for holding the door. I truly appreciate it." She thanked.

"No problem! Just don't be late anymore. I probably won't be here to help next time." He teased.

"Yeah yeah whatever..." Sakura rolled her eyes.

"So, I see you decided to board the six o'clock time." He said starting the conversation.

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