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You slipped through are fingers

Crying could be heard through the Uzumaki household. It was a terrible day for Sakura and Naruto Uzumaki. Sakura just found out that she had a miscarriage within her second week of her pregnancy. At first, the only thing she could feel when she learned about the baby was joy but now all she can feel is sadness and grief.

"How....how could this have h-happen?" Sakura asked herself. She did everything in her power to keep herself in good health so her son would be healthy. So why would his heartbeat all of a sudden be gone?

"Sakura chan..it'll be ok..we can get through this...together." Naruto said trying to comfort his crying wife. He wondered why the baby stopped breathing too. He cried when he learned the news of his unborn son's death. He felt pain and sadness about it but thought about his wife. Its harder for since she was carrying the baby.

More crying could be heard from Sakura as she buried her face deep into her husband's chest. The thought of Sakura hurting like this could bring him tears but this....

"Hey....everything is going to be ok shh..." Naruto said. After he said that Sakura's crying got a little bit softer and continued until she stopped.

"Yeah but...what if it happens again...then what?" She asked him.

"I don't know but...we're gonna need each other to get over this." Naruto said.

"I don't know if I'll....I don't know if we'll ever get over this feeling Naruto." Sakura said.

"I don't know either but we'll have to try...I know if our son were here...he wouldn't want us to be sad and depressed." Naruto said with tears still falling down his face.

"I know but...I loved him so much...when I knew he was inside of me I already felt like a mother...a real one too...I just don't want this to happen again." Sakura said while pulling Naruto closer to her.

"I don't either and honesty...I can't feel the same level of pain as you are but...I feel so empty inside. And that I feel the same way as you do so if you need a shoulder to cry on I'll always be hear for you...always." Naruto said hugging her tighter.

"And I'll do the same for you...Naruto....I love you so much." Sakura said now looking up at him. She still had tears flowing down her beautiful face.

"I love you too...Sakura chan." Naruto said to her looking down at her. He saw the tears running down her face and started to kiss then away which led to Sakura smiling.

"Hey Naruto..." Sakura asked him.

"Yes Sakura chan?" Naruto said looking down at her again. The tears have disappeared from her face an were replaced with an innocent look in her eyes.

"If...when we have children...promise me that you'll be the best farther you can be and I'll be the best mother I can be." Sakura said to him.

"I promise to be the best father I can be to our future children believe it." Naruto said with his signature smile and a softer voice.

"Pinkie promise?" Sakura said holding up her Pinkie finger.

"Pinkie promise." Naruto said as he link his pinkie with hers. And with that Sakura smiled a happy smile for the first time today and so did Naruto.

Goodbye Shinachiku...we loved you and will miss you forever....

It wasn't as sad as I was going for but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. vote and comment plz

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