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A dream come true

"Kakashi Sensei your making us late!" Sakura yelled. She was banging on his front door along with Sasuke, Sai, and Yamato getting more irritated by the second.

"Let's just leave the bastard behind he'll catch up." Sasuke said turning around as well as the rest of team seven.

"Hm I guess your right Sasuke kun." Sakura said backing away from the door.

"Besides Kakashi sama is always late." Yamato said. We all began to walk together to the Hokage mountain for the big ceremony.

"Yeah but I mean I know hes supposed to be on top of the mountain already with Lady Tsunade but when I checked he wasn't there so I checked here... I know he wouldn't miss Naruto's big day for nothing." She explained.

"Well cone on we better go before we're late." Sai said They all turned to walk to the monument but, as if on cue a poof of smoke appeared in front of them to reveal....

"Yo." Kakashi said while scratching his neck nervously.

"Kakashi Where have you been!?" Yamato yelled.

"And you've got a minute and counting to explain too." Sakura said while she cracked her knuckles. They are actually used to his lateness but since this is a very important day they thought he would make an exception.

"Well you see the reason that i m Kate is because I went into town to see if I could get Naruto something but, I could find anything so I resorted to staying up all night making something for him instead heh." Kakashi explained. Everyone looked annoyed at his story. They've learned from the past not to trust his stories of why he's late so you know they don't believe this one one bit.

"We don't have time for your lies Kakashi were already late as it is so lets just go." Sasuke said.

"I agree." Sai said. The rest nodded their heads and went a head of him.

"But I was telling the truth this time though." He said.

"Yeah right!" Yamato shouted. The rest of the way was silent mostly because of the big announcement.

'Well Naruto your finally getting your dream...I told you that I don't want it to see it be crushed and I've kept my word...I wish you the best of what's to come.' Sakura thought to herself. Over the years she had actually grown to like him or like the idea of Naruto being Hokage because it suits his personality well.

'So the dope has finally gotten his dream to come true huh... congratulations you deserve it...' Sasuke thought to himself. After Sasuke was brought back to the village he was locked in a cell for a year for his wrong doings. It was gonna be ten but since he helped in the Fourth Great Shinobi War it gotten reduced to one. And every single day Naruto would come visit or even stay with him the whole day If he didn't have any missions to do. And at that point and time is when he realized he's made a great friend is lucky to have a close friendship with Naruto.

As they approached the the monuments, they started noticing how many Konoha residents were here for Naruto.

"Wow a lot a people shows up from Naruto huh." Yamato said.

"Well he did save them all twice so they should be here." Sai replied.

"Welp I'll see you in a bit oh and all of you there's a special place for you on Lady Tsunade's monument." Kakashi said before vanishing.

"I wonder why he wants us up there." Sakura questioned.

"Who knows lets just go." Sasuke said. They all processed to be where the ceremony would be. They all were on top of the fourth Hokage's monument waiting for it to start. Five minutes later Kakashi came out of nowhere wearing the Hokage outfit.

"Ladys and gentlemen today were gathered here today for an important ceremony that been here for generations. Today we're here for our new Hokage Naruto Uzumaki!" Kakashi said. Soon after Naruto came out from behind him and walked in front of the crowed.

"Naruto Uzumaki...you have clearly shown us all that you have the will of fire." "You've saved this village twice showing us your strength so the we selected you to be our village leader.....do you accept?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto looked back at his team. He couldn't have had gotten his dream come true without them...especially his now girlfriend of three years. They had gotten together a month after the war. He had thought that she still wanted Sasuke but he was wrong. She had ended up falling for him as soon as he came back from training with Jiraiya and didn't realize until after died during the war. Sakura smiled brightly at him. He smiled back and then looked back to his old Sensei.

"I...I accept being Konoha's leader." Naruto answered.

"Then here is your hat." Kakashi said. He took off the hat and placed it on Naruto's head. He then got the box Tsunade was holding and opened it. He pulled out a short sleeve older and gave it to him.

"This is your father's cloak...and I'm sure he would want you to have it." Kakashi said. He nodded his head and put it on.

"Ladys and gentlemen your new Hokage!" He said. The crowed cheered, hooped, and hollered for him.

"Thank you everybody but don't just cheer for me." Naruto said. He faced his friends and smiled. "I wouldn't be able to be Hokage , my dream, without my friends and Senseis." Naruto said. He motioned for them to come forth beside him. As they came, the crowed cheered for them all.

"And as the first thing I would like to do as your Hokage is this...." He said. He looked into Sakura's eyes with happiness and said what's been on his mind since he woke up.

"Sakura when we were kids you thought that I was a newsince to you and was always mean to me," Sakura looked a little sad and nervous at his comment. She knew that she was very horrible to him and has always beaten herself up for it.

"But as we got older....you warmed up to me and soon enough became one of my closets friends and soon became more than just friends." "And.....I love you very much Sakura I do and...." Everybody gasped and stared in awe at his action. He had bent down on one knee and pulled out the ring Kakashi made him. "Will you marry me Sakura Haruno?" He asked. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her eyes were filling up with tears. "Yes you idiot of course I'll marry you!"Sakura said pulling him into a hug. The everybody cheered on for their new Hokage and his soon to be wife.

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