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'Another sleepless night.' Naruto thought. Five years ago, he suddenly had been having trouble sleeping which involved into him being diagnosed with insomnia. It would come and go through out the years but it would still feel hellish.

Everybody around him could tell by the way he acted and his appearance. He was getting more and more sluggish by the day and developed a habit of rubbing his baggy eyes.

"I need to hear her voice. Maybe then I'll fall asleep..." He grabbed his phone and dialed a recently called number.

"Hello?" the voice said in a hushed tone.

"Hey Sakura-chan."

"Bro it's like 3 am. What are you doing up and calling me at this time of night?" Sakura complained

"N-Nothing. I...just really wanted to hear your voice." He said.

"Well I mean you could've just came over earlier today. It's been three days since we've seen each other, which I don't know how since we live right beside each other." She said.

"Yeah about that that. I was avoiding you because I ah..was sick..." Naruto lied.

"We're you really sick?" She asked him. She didn't believe him for a second. She's kno2n him since elementary and he's never been sick. Ever.

"Yeah." He lied again hoping that she'd believe it.

The two stayed silent for a few moments before she spoke again.

"Is the insomnia back again?" Sakura asked.

Naruto stayed silent on the other line indicating that the answer is yes. Sakura sighed loudly and got up from her bed.

"Why didn't you tell me it came back?"

"Because I didn't want to bother you. But I haven't been to sleep in three and a half days and-"

"Say no more. I'm on my way." Sakura declares.

Naruto sat up with a confused look upon his face. "On your way? What do you mean you're on your way?"

"I'm coming over to help you fall asleep. It's what a good girlfriend would do."

"This was a mistake. I should've just tried to sleep again. You don't have to-do"

"Too bad." she interrupted and hung up. She put on her slippers and robe and headed to her boyfriend's house. She got on the porch and knocked three times. Footsteps were heard making there way down the steps. Naruto opened the door and Sakura gasped at his appearance. His eyes were bloodshot red and looked as if they were going to sink into his head at any moment in time.

"Damn are you ok?" she asked worried for her boyfriend's heath.

"I'm fine. I'm...I'm not fine. I haven't slept in seventy-three hours... I...I need you to-"

"I know. I know. I was going to do it anyways. Now come on. Let's get back to bed hm?" Sakura said. She guided him back to his room and helped him get comfortable in bed. She then took off her slippers and got in bed with him and began to spoon him, wrapping her arms around his upper body. She then started to stroke his hair and him a little tune in his ear.

"Thank you for doing this Sakura-chan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"No problem."

"No really. Thank you for...everything. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." he said a kissed her for a decent amount of time and pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you too." Sakura then pulled him back for another sweet but brief kiss before going back to stoking his hair again.

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