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The memories that we hold on to..

"Hey Mom what's this?" Shinachiku asked his ageing mother. Shinachiku was now a thirty-five year old man with his own wife and children. Right now he was at his mother's house helping her clean out the attic.

"What is what Shina chan?" Sakura asked. She now had small wrinkles in certain areas like her hands, forehead, and two lines where her smile is. Her hair was still pink but is fading a bit and her green eyes a little lighter than before.

"This." Shinachiku said. He handed her the picture book to his mother.

"Oh this? Its a picture album." Sakura said with a smile. She was going to say something but got interrupted.

"Oops sorry Mom its Genora san I'll be right back." Shinachiku said while going out the door.
Sakura just smiled and picked up a box to put outside. When she had finished that box Shinachiku was finished with his phone call and was getting his jacket.

"Sorry Mom I got to go to the hospital they need my help." Shinachiku said. He walked up to Sakura and hugged and kissed his mother on the cheek. As he was heading to the door they said their goodbyes and he went on to his job.

Sakura sat into her sitting chair and got the picture album and began to look at it.

"Heh...I remember all of this like it was yesterday." Sakura said looking at the picture album.

The first picture is how Naruto and Sakura met. It was the first day of high school and it was raining with extreme wend. About time Sakura got to school the rain stopped but the wind was still going. While Sakura was trying to close her umbrella blew away with the wend but luckily there was a tall blonde boy who witnessed the whole thing. He told her that he would get it ,even though it took five minutes, he finally caught it. He walked up to her and gave it to her but not before giving his name.

The next picture was them going on their first date. Ever since the umbrella incident, they started to hang out together and surprisingly Sakura asked him to go to the carnival with her since it was in town. They had a lot of fun together going on roller coaster rides and eating together. This is actually where they started to hold hands.

The next one is the picture of their first kiss. They were actually coming from another successful date. Naruto was walking Sakura home and when they got there they said their goodbyes and she went into the house. It cc was bugging her all night to do it so she went back outside and called his named. When he turned around she french kissed him for a minute and went back inside.

Then the next one is when Naruto says to Sakura that he loves her. They were at the beach and together checking out the turtles. As Sakura was looking at the turtles he just looked at her and without thinking said I love you.

The next picture is where Naruto and Sakura are engaged. They were going to a restaurant for the first time since their engagement. It actually went pretty well considering how the waiter accidentally threw their bread sticks at them and gave them the wrong drinks too.

The next picture is the morning after their honeymoon. I'm not gonna go into details but lets just say their were so loud practically the whole village could hear them. Yeah.

The next picture is six months after their honeymoon. When Sakura found out she was pregnant she was going to tell him. Instead she just let him figure it out himself. It took him a while (one month) to figure it out but when he did he was the happiest man alive. He went all around the village yelling that hes gonna be a father. Even though everybody already knew they just went along with it.

The last picture is Shinachiku and Naruto with his daughter. See Sakura cares a lot about her family so she made the boys shirts that said "If lost please return to Sakura chan". She really didn't want to lose them. Not ever.

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