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Sakura walked around the wilderness to find some more wood to make a fire with. The team decided to make camp here and rest for the day. They had been traveling nonstop for the past three days and everyone was getting tired, especially Naruto.


He was the one that was tired the most. Naruto is so determined to bring Sasuke back that he pushed himself to his limit. He'd never admit it but you could see it in his eyes and his body language. She knew it. After all, she was a medical ninja.

"I think this should be enough.." she mumbled to herself. Sakura decided to head back to camp. Once she got there, she found that everyone was just finishing setting up the camp space.

"Hey I got the wood." She said.

Kiba looked her way and smiled. "Thanks Sakura-san. Much appreciated." He said while taking the wood from her. "Thanks is enough wood for us to rest for at least a day and a half."

"A day and a half? But we have to find Sasuke! We know where he is but you know how he is. He'd move! We can't rest be for long!" Naruto said.

"Yes while that is true, we can't keep going like this. We need rest Naruto. And believe it or not, you do too especially." Sai said.


"But nothing. Unless you want you pass out right before we get there, I suggest you listen to me and rest" He said

"Yes..." Naruto said and walked off from the group.

"H-Hey where are you going?" Sakura asked.

"On a walk..."

Sakura sighed to herself and looked at her remaining teammates.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Sai asked

Sakura left and went after her teammate.

"You'd think it's a good idea to send Sakura to go after him?" Lee asked.

"Of course. After all that's happening, they need each. They need to talk about what happened at the kage summit and get over it. " Kiba said.

"Naruto wait up!" Sakura shouted. Naruto looked back and slowed his pace so she could catch up.

"Sakura-chan what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Uh Sai asked me to go with you so wouldn't do anything stupid"

"That bastard..." Naruto mumbled.

"Hey can we just...talk? I know you just want to get left alone but I'm kinda worried about you. You're barely sleeping and you seem more intense that before..."

"Of course I am. My best friend is out there with that snake devil and I'm just supposed to just be calm about it? Well I'm not! I'm not..."

"Look I know how you feel trust me I do ,but you can't he in this state of mind trying to get him back because you might do something stupid-"

"Like you did?"

Sakura looked at him in surprise to what he was referring to. "Really?! Really?! You're doing this now?!"

"I'm not just tense over Sasuke, I'm tense because you lied to me! I know that Sai pointed out that you were just protecting me but look what happened! And the fact that you lied to me about that really-"

"I wasn't lying about that..."


"I may have lied to you about what I was doing an all and I'm so so sorry about that but I wasn't lying about...that."

Naruto was dumbstruck on what she was she was saying. ' Was she talking about the confession? She couldn't be...'

"What are you trying to say?"

"Ugh what I'm trying to say is! Is....is that I...love you alright! I do! This is the truth! My truth!" Sakura yelled at him. At this point, tears were forming in her eyes.

Naruto just stared in awe. He couldn't believe it. This had to be some sick dream.

"Are you... telling me the truth? Because I hate people who lie to themselves. You know that."

"Why would I tell you this twice if it was lie? Hm? What is the purpose for me telling you the same exact thing only for it to be a lie? To loose you?"

"For the same reason last time. To take all the burden upon yourself..."

"Naruto I couldn't do it the last time! I had the opportunity and I failed because he ment so much to me! To you and I just couldn't take away someone you and I care so deeply about. I'm not going to put all. Of the burden upon my shoulders again. I can't."

"......." Naruto just stood there silently looking at the ground, doing anything but to look at her.

"....You don't believe me still. Don't you."


"I get it. I understand. I'll just uh leave you alone." She said. Just as she was about to turn on her heel and leave, he grabbed her arm turning her around to face him. He had tears in his eyes as well holding them back with all of his strength.

"Is this the truth?"

"Nothing more. Nothing less."

At this point, Naruto let his tears flow don his face. He gave Sakura a warm smile and let go of her arm. He whipped his eyes of the tears and started to apologized. "I'm sorry I-"

"No I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I liked and in sorry for making you feel like you couldn't trust me. I'm sorry for the burden I put on you with that stupid promise-"

Sakura stopped talking when Naruto pulled her into a tight hug. She was surprised at first but quickly adjusted and hugged back. The hug lasted for a while they broke apart giving each other a warm and bright smile.

"You think we can continue this after all of this chaos is over?" Naruto asked.

"Of course we can. Now come on. The group is waiting us."

WELP GUESS WHOSE BACK?! LOL testing was crazy but I'm back. Anyways, enjoy the angst. This was supposed to be fluffy but my hands had a different idea.

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