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Today was just a regular day for Naruto. Going around the village. Everybody thanking and admiring him. Ever since the defeat of the Akatsuki leader Pein, he was being more appreciated by his own village. And as time went on the more the village appreciated his presence. He even gain some fan girls.

Naruto kun you look do cool today!" A male genin said to him.

"Ya he's so awesome!" A girl genin said.

"And cute!" Another one said. He was surrounded by them giving complement after complement.

"Thank you so much kids." He said while doing a cool pose.

"He's so cool! They all squealed.

'Heh this must of what Sasuke went through in the academy.' Naruto thought. He continued to talk to then until out of the corner of his eye he saw pink hair. He turned around and saw her. He smiled and turned back to the kids.

"Ok guys I'm sorry but I've got to go." Naruto said with a smile.

"Awww." They said.

"O know but I'll catch all of you later." He said getting out the circle.

"Bye!" The replied and scared in different directions.

He walked up to Sakura chan with a smile.

"Hi Sakura chan!" He shouted. Sakura turned around and smiled a little at his expression. He had cheery expression plastered on his face. He looked a little cute that way.

"Hey Naruto what's up?" Sakura said.

"Nothing but since you're here right now there's something I've got to give to you." He said. She wondered what it was.

"Oh?" She said with a smirk.

"Y-yeah I do but it's back at my apartment do you mind walking back with me?" He asked her.

"Sure why not." She said with a smile. They walked back to his apartment side to side.

"So what is this thing you have to give me?" She asked.

"Uh well it's something that's...hard to explain without spoiling the surprise." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"Ah I see..." She said.

"But I can tell you it's red and when I first saw it I immediately thought of you." He explained.

Sakura turned back to him a little surprised. "You literally thought of me when you saw it?" She asked.

"Yep it seemed perfect for you I just had to get it for ya." Naruto said with his signature smile.

"Oh." Was all she said before she started to go a little pink in the cheeks.

"Welp we're here." Naruto said as they stopped. "Stay right here I'll be right back ok?" Naruto said.

"Alright." Sakura said and waited. Three minutes later he come back out laughing nervously while hiding the present behind his back.

"Heheh sorry I took so long I had misplaced it." He explained.

"Its ok now let me see." She said getting restless.

"H-hey wait I need you to close your eyes!" Naruto said.

She sighed. "Fine." Sakura closed her eyes and wondered what it could be. She felt something go on her head.

"Ok you can open your eyes now.* He said. Sakura opened her eyes to face a mirror. She looked on it and saw a red headband in the middle of her head.

"I..thank you... Naruto." She said as she touched it. She felt her cheeks getting heated. While she was admiring her look, Naruto was just looking at her in deep thought. Sakura noticed this and turned to him.

"What wrong?" Sakura asked.

"It's just... somethings not right here..." He said. He walked around her still thinking until he stopped in front of her with a bright cheery expression.

"I got it!" He said.

"What are you talk-" She was cut off by his touch on her face.

'What is he doing?' she asked herself.
His hand moved from her cheek to the side of her head and tucked some hair behind her ear and put another part of her hair over it.

"There!" He said and held up the mirror. She looked at the mirror. "Now people can clearly see your forehead!" He said. His bright smile didn't last long though. She soon turned away from him messing up what he did.

She was a blushing mess because of him. Touching her face, hair, and complementing her forehead in a way?

'Hmm for a second there she looked a lot like mom...' Naruto thought.

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