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It was a beautiful day outside during the month of October. Sakura and Naruto just brought home their first born six months ago named Shinachiku. He looked a lot like Naruto but had his mother's eyes. Lately they've been trying to influence him to say his first words but so far nothing.

"Ok Shina chan look at me and say mamma." Sakura cooed her son. All Shinachiku did was just smile and laugh and giggle and drool all over the place.

"Ugh just face it Sakura chan there's no chance of him saying it or anything at all." Naruto complained.

"Nonsense Naruto besides...I actually read the book that Ino gave us at my baby shower and it says start trying at this age." Sakura said still paying attention to her son.

"Heh ok but I seriously doubt it I've been trying for three weeks straight bit nothing...he just sits there and laugh...maybe we should try when he's older?" He suggested. Sakura immediately snapped her neck back at him.

"What how could you be saying that," she said. "Especially since your the one telling everybody 'Believe it!'." Sakura said.

"Well-" He got cut off.

"Well nothing now," she said as she got up from the rocking chair. "I need to run a few arrons ok so I'm gonna need you to continue the process until I come back." Sakura said giving baby Shina to him.

"But I gotta meeting at work today with all of the Kages," Naruto said but quickly obliged after he saw her facial expression. "But I'll take him to work with me I mean what kind of father would I be hehe." He said nervously.

"Right I'll meet you at the tower in an hour ok I love you." Sakura explained and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too Sakura chan." He said back and watched her leave out the front. He turned back to his loveable son and smiled at him.

"Well I guess it will be interesting to bring you too work its kinda boring sitting there all lonely." Naruto said.. Shinachiku just smiled and giggled at his father's words. Naruto just chuckled a bit. He lived his son. He makes him feel....whole with the world.

"Ok let's go Shina chan." He said and put him into his carrier. Naruto then grabbed his baby bag and put it on over his short sleeved Hokage jacket and put in his hat. He picked up the carrier and walked to the tower. When he finally reached his office he sat Shina down on his desk facing him and sat in his chair.

"Ok Shina chan this is my office sorry it's a bit of a mess heheh." Naruto said while rubbing the back of his neck. There was paperwork all over his desk and on one side of his room in stacks.

"Man I need to clean up." He said. Shinachiku giggled some more. Naruto turned to his son and got him out of his chair put him down n his arms.

"Ok Shina say Dada ok?" He said. "Say Da-Da." He slowly said again. He continued to do this for about ten more minutes until a knock interrupted him.

"Come in." Naruto said not taking his eyes off of son.

"Naruto were ready for the confer- why is Shinachiku here?" Shikamaru asked.

"Oh hey shika Sakura chan is out doing some arrons and she wanted me to take him with me but don't worry she'll be back in an hour." Naruto explained.

"Home troublesome...just hurry up let's go to the conference." He said and stepped out the room.

"Ok Shina chan let's go." He said happily and carried his son to the conference room in his arms. He soon reached the room opened it to reveal all the Kages sitting at a round table talking with each other. As soon as they saw Naruto they all went dead silent.

"Naruto what us your son doing here?" Gaara asked his close friend.

"Well I have to look after him for a minute but don't worry Sakura chan will be her later." Naruto said while nervously tubing the back if his neck

"Fine but just don't let that baby distract you from the meeting." Raikage said.

"I won't I promise." He said and sat down.

"Ok so our villages are still a little under a little construction because of the major issues at we had three years ago so-" Misukage got cut off. They all looked in Naruto's direction and saw him paying most of his attention to his son.

"Naruto!" She shouted.

"I'm listening I promise." He said.

"Right..now like I said the villages are kinda-" she got cut off again by Naruto playing with Shina.  He felt all of their eyes on him so he looked up at them.

'Hehe sorry I'll have Shikamaru take him." Naruto finally said and called Shika and he took him outside. They continued on the conference without any issues interruptions. As soon as the meeting was over Naruto went and got Shina from Shikamaru and went back to his office.

"Shina chan did you miss Dada?" He asked. Shinachiku giggled in delight of being in his father's arms. Naruto noticed it was time for Sakura to pick him up so he got his stuff together and waited for her. While waiting for her he practiced a bit more before he went home.

"Ok Shina chan say Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da." He kept repeating. It seemed he was about to say something but Naruto was quickly disappointed because Shinachiku just laughed.

"Ugh I thought you were gonna say it Shina." He whined.

"Hey Naruto is my baby ready?" Sakura said walking up to her husband.

"Yeah he is." Naruto said and handed her their son and kissed her goodbye.

"Bye Naruto," she said. "Now say bye to DaDa." Sakura said.

"D..Da..Da...DaDa!" Their son said.

"Wait what say that again!" Naruto said and got close to him.

"DaDa DaDa!" He said once again.

"He said it he said my name!" Naruto shouted.

'What a sweet sight.' Sakura thought in her head. 'Now I wonder when it'll be my turn.' She thought.

~Kinda bad but eh. I kept on rewriting stuff and I'm not gonna do it again.~

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