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                Just a nightmare

"Nah arrgh...no get....away...." A blonde headed man said in his sleep. He was tossing and turning softly at first but soon became wild.

He was having a nightmare.

In his nightmare, he was standing in front of the village gates but something about this place was...different.

The village wasn't as loud as hes used to but instead much louder.....like a city. He started looking around  and eventually spotted his team. From a distance they looked fine but as Naruto to had gotten closer they looked... Miserable?

Naruto asked his so called friends. But they couldn't hear him. And that's when he realized.
"This is a dream..." he said to himself.

He then started to walk around the village some more to see if he can find his other friends. As he turns a corner, someone came around at the same time but since this  is only a dream he went straight through them. He turned around only to find Kiba and....an unknown women wearing a wedding ring. He looked kind of sad.

"Woa what kind of dream is this." Naruto said. Because in reality Kiba had married Hinata. He then walked around some more. He stopped and stared in shock of what he was seeing.

"Is that....Sai with...Ino?" Naruto said in disbelief. Ok now he knows this is a dream...a weird on that. In reality Sai is an elite ANBU and Ino is married to Chouji. He was confused at his own dream.

"Is this even a dream or...a vision of some sort?" Naruto  asked himself. As soon as he turned around he saw Hinata walking with a little girl with...whiskers like him. He touched his left cheek.

"How is that possible...only mom said that only people that are exposed to the nine tails chakra could have those kinds of whiskers." Naruto said. 'Could It be possible that...' Naruto thought but didn't dare to finish it. He decided to follow them to confirm his suspicion.

He followed them to the grave sites and stood in front of a grave. Naruto was curious who had died so he walked closer. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the it clearly.

"N....Neji san...is dead?" Naruto said. Now he knew this wasn't a dream but a nightmare.

"Mama, do you think papa is gonna come home and spend time with me and Boruto for my birthday?" The little girl asked.

"I think Naruto Kun will try." Hinata said. He looked at her and could tell she was lying.

"What kind if nightmare is this!?" Naruto. It seemed like he barley spent time with his children. The least he could do is try to love them. He then had a sudden realization. If hes married to Hinata then who did Sakura chan marry. He then raced to her apartment only to find it empty.

"She has to be here somewhere." He said. He looked around the village some more only to find a huge house with the Uchiha symbol on it. He decided to check it out. It looked pretty modern lived in so Sasuke must be in here somewhere.

He looked everywhere but couldn't see him. The only thing he found was his worst fear. He saw Sakura dusting and cleaning with the Uchiha symbol on her back.

"Sakura chan married Sasuke...as I presumed." Naruto said. He looked at Sakura and could tell she was a bit unhappy and emotionally drained. He then walked out feeling bad for her.

"No this isn't right please let this nightmare be over I don't want to see anymore of miserable faces on my friends please let this be over now!" Naruto said yelling at the top of his lungs. He didn't want to see this disaster anymore.

"Naruto~" a voice said. "Who said that." He said. "Naruto..." It said again. 'That voice sounds familiar.' He thought. "Naruto!"

"Ahhhhh!" He said shooting straight out of his sleep.

"Naruto are you ok were you having a nightmare." Sakura said with concern. She had noticed he was talking fragments during his sleep and was tossing and turning so she decided to wake him up.

"Im alright since I have you...thank you for waking me up." Naruto said looking at his wife lovingly. She blushed as she smiled at him.

"So do you want to talk about it?" She asked him.

"I'd rather not." Naruto said.

"Well if you didn't have ramen before bed like I told you this wouldn't have happened baka." She told him while laying on his chest.

"I know I know....I love you." He said as he smiled at her.

"I love you too...goodnight." Sakura said smiling back. They kissed and cuddled the rest of the night.

I know its bad but still it looks good enough to me. See you later

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