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'Almost done!' Sakura thought. She was currently working on her sixteen paged essay at the coffee shop, she forgot to pay the internet bill again and coffee is needed, and she was on the very last paragraph.

'A week's worth of typing is almost complete. I'm so ready for summer break man.'

Just as she was in the middle of typing the paragraph, a large battery symbol that looked almost empty flashed upon here screen.

"Dang low battery..." She mumbled. "Let me save first." She scrolled up and clicked save. After that, she closed her laptop and tried to look for an outlet.

"Where's an outlet at....there!" She spotted one near the window directly in front of her. It was perfect! Well almost. The problem was that there was somebody already there drinking coffee. He looked to be around her age so maybe he'd understand.

'Hopefully...' Sakura gatherd her stuff and approached him.

"Ah excuse me." she said. The man looked over from the window to her.


"Um I was uh working on an essay for school and my battery ran low. Do you mind if I use your table as an outlet? It won't be long! I'm on my last paragraph." she asked shifting her weight in embarrassment.

"Um sure. I don't mind." He said. He got up and let her sit in his spot while he sat on the opposite of her.

"Thank you so much ah...?"

"Naruto." he said.

"Oh Naruto? Nice name. It kinda sounds familiar. My name is-"

"I know who you are." He said so nonchalant.

Sakura stopped typing and whipped her head up in surprise. "You do?"

Naruto chuckled. "Well yeah I mean we do go to the same school. And we're in the same class."

"We are? But I would've remembered..."

"Maybe you'll remember what Iruka-Sensei always calls me, 'Knucklehead'."

"Oh now I remember. I never pay attention because I'm so wrapped up in my own mess..."

"Yeah I get it. Just so you know, I'm not a knucklehead I just do knuckleheaded things sometimes....."

Sakura laughed at his excuse. "I didn't think so. Anyways, did you finish your essay?" Sakura motioned to her laptop.

"Finish? I haven't even started. But I'm going to start today!"

"How are you going to do all of that within three days? It took me a whole week to do! Well I did do a whole bunch of revising but still!"

" I'll just do five pages a day. I've done it before." He reassured.

"Did you pass through?" Sakura smirked.

"Ok see that's not the point-"

"So you didn't pass?"

"I passed but it was like a seventy-eight."

"Oh wow you do do knuckleheaded things." Sakura laughed.

"Hahaha yeah I guess so." He laughed as well.

"You know you're funny. How come we haven't talked before?"

"I tried before but you just shot me down. You called me a bum ass idiot."

"I-I don't remember that..."

"Yeah well. That's just what happens when an average bozo like me tried to talk to a top student like you."

"And the fact that you still let me sit here...I'm sorry. That's was so stupid and rude of me."

"It's ok. We're good." He smiled, Sakura smiled back and finished up her paragraph.

"Annnnd I'm finally free." Sakura said. She closed her laptop and smiled with joy. "Finally I'm finished with this crap. Good luck to you though. It was nice meeting you."


As he was about to thank her, the waiter came back with a little cake on a small plate. "Here you go sir. Have a great rest of the afternoon." They said and left.

"Thank you." Naruto said before digging into the little cake

"Oh that looks good."

Naruto took a bite out of the little cake. "It is. I get it every time."

"Oh you're a regular?"

"Yeah. Ever since freshman year, I've been coming here to clear my mind, think, and you know just eat."

"Hmm. Waiter?" she called the waiter over.

"Yes ma'am." They asked

"Ah can I get whatever he has?" she pointed at Naruto's cake. They looked at it and nodded.

"Yes ma'am. I'll be right back." They said and left.

"I thought you were going?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah but that looks too good to pass up." she said. "Plus, I think I'd rather stay here with you."

Naruto stopped eating and looked up at her. She smiled brightly at him. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled back.

"Well alrighty then..."

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