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                                               First date

"Ok Naruto calm down...you got this don't mess it up." He said to himself. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door in front of him.

Knock knock knock

A few moments later the door opened to reveal a young lady with beautiful pink hair and a yellow sundress.

"Hello Naruto." She said with the sweetest smile hes ever seen. They made eye contact for only a few moments before Naruto broke it.

"Uh- right we should go!" He said.

....Shall we?" Naruto said and extended his hand. She looked at him and gave him a smile before taking his hand. They walked down the street hand in enjoying the silence until sakura breaks it.

"So where are we going for our first official date huh?" Sakura asked.

"You'll see and I'm sure you're gonna love it." He said while smiling cheekily at her. Sakura giggled in response. They walked the rest of the way in silence.

"OK we're here!" Naruto declared. Sakura gasped as her eyes widened in excitement.

"This is our location for our first date?!" She shouted.

"Yeah b-but if you don't like it then we could go somewhere else..." He said a little upset. Sakura quickly turned and gave him a reassuring hug.

"Naruto this perfect and to be honest, I always wanted to go to the amusement park I just never had any time." She then let go of him and gave him a smile. "Thank you for bringing me here." And with that said, she gave him a peck on the cheek. Naruto zoned out for a moment before smiling wide with a little blush on his face.

"We let's get this day started shall we!" Naruto said and lead her in.

As soon as they walked through the entrance, their fun has been non stop. Going from ride to ride and  booth to booth, they've enjoyed every second of it. And throughout all of that time, they fell deeper and deeper for each other. Finally, it was almost time for the park to close and they rode every other ride in the park except for the Ferris Wheel.

"Hey Sakura chan do you wanna ride the Ferris Wheel before the park closes?" He Naruto asked.

"Sure." Sakura said. They got in and sat next each other and waited until everyone else got on and settle in their seats. They finally got moving and sat there quietly enjoying each other's company.

"....I never knew how relaxing Ferris Wheels can." Naruto said. Sakura giggled at his statement.

"Yeah...." She replied. "Hey...I really had fun with you today." Sakura said now facing him.

"I had fun too..." Naruto replied.

Suddenly the Ferris wheel came to a halt and stopped them in the air making them have a great view of the park.

"Wow this view is so beautiful." Sakura said.

"Yeah but I've seen something else more beautiful." He said. Sakura then turned to him again.

"And what is that?" She said full of curiosity. Naruto made eye contact with her and smiled.

"You." He said. Sakura started blushing and quickly turned away from him.

"Umt-thank you..."  Sakura replied.

'Ok Naruto this is your chance! Kiss her!' Naruto thought. He started to blush and sweat on his palms.

"Sakura..." He said. She turned to him still blushing from his complement.

"What is it?" She asked him. She noticed Naruto was a little closer than he was before.

'What is he doing? Is he planning to kiss me?!' Sakura thought.

Naruto started to get closer trying to close the gap between. their lips. Sakura kinda moving her head close to and their lips were only a few centimeters apart.

"Woah!" Naruto pulled back at the same time she did when the Ferris Wheel started to move again.

"OK everyone it's time to get out of the ride the park is closing in ten minutes!" The ride instructor said.

Naruto and Sakura awkwardly waited until it was their turn to get off. They even had a little space between them.

'Damnit I was so close to kissing her! Damn! Damn! Damn!' he thought.

'What the hell just happened? Was I really gonna let that baka kiss me? And was I about to kiss him back?!' she thought.

It was finally their turn to get off.when they got off, they left together in silence. The while way back to Sakura's house was in awkward silence. Fortunately, Sakura lived close to the amusement park and the awkwardness wasn't that bad and long.

"...Well you're back at home hehehe...." Naruto said.

"Yeah I am...." Sakura said. She got out her house key.

"Well I'll uh...I'll see you tomorrow Sakura chan." Naruto said before walking away. Sakura was unlocking her door before she came to a stop and turned around.

"Wait Naruto!" She said.he turned around surprised and walked towards her again.

"Yes?" He said.

"I...Was wondering if we're on for a second date..." She asked kinda embarrassed. Naruto smiled wide at her.

"O-of course!" He said.

  "Good. I'll uh see you tomorrow then. Good night." She said with a smile and walked into her home.

"G-Good night Sakura chan." He said and started walking home.

"Heh this date was a success! She likes me! I can tell me maybe I can successfully kiss her next time!" He said aloud. For the rest of the trip home, he fantasied about their next date and how it will play out with a big smile on his face and his hands behind his neck.

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