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                      Doctor's visit part 3

"I live a bit far. If we walk on this trail, we'll be there in thirty-forty five minutes. But if we take the train, we'll be there in twenty."

"I'd rather take the trail."

"The trail? But it takes longer."

"What's the rush? You have to enjoy things while they last right?" Naruto encouraged her.

"Ah I guess you're right... It's this way then." Sakura said.

They began to walk on trail admiring the view.  She looked at the trees covered in a blanket of snow. "Wow so beautiful.." she said.

"Right? You wouldn't get this with riding the train huh?"

Sakura turned back to Naruto and slightly smiled. "Yeah you wouldn't..."

Suddenly, Sakura felt something heavy hit her back and immediately turned to Naruto who was holding a snowball.

"Oi!" She shouted


"Why did you throw that at me?!"


That answers slightly annoyed her and opened her mouth to say something but closed it and just smirked at him. She then dropped to the ground and started to make a snowball. As she did that, Naruto did the same.

"You're dead meat Naruto!" Sakura yelled and threw a series of snowballs at him.

"Ah wait! Wait!" Naruto shouted covering his head.

"Nope! You ambushed me so it's time for pay back." Sakura said still feeding him snow.

"Ok that's it!" He said and pushed her to make her fall.


Naruto then started to gather globs of snow and put it on Sakura burying her in it. "How you like it now?!"

"It's cold! So cold hahaha!" She laughed. Naruto stopped and got up panting and laughing at her. "Here give me your hand." He put his hand out for to grab. Sakura sat up and looked at his hand. She grabbed it and smirked at him and pulled him on to the ground with her. She then did the same thing he did to her and buried him in snow.

"Ha! Did you really think I wouldn't get you back?! Hahaha!"

"No fair!" He yelled out.

Sakura stopped and got up pulling him up as well. She wipes the snow off of him and herself and smiled at him. "Life's not fair. Now come on. It's getting colder our here." She said and walked away from him. Naruto shook his head and followed.

"I'm coming Sakura chan."

They kept walking in a confortable silence for a while until Sakura broke it. "So Sakura chan already hmm?"


"Back there you called me Sakura chan. What was that about?"

"Oh I don't know. It just slipped out I guess. And about you?"

"What about me?"

"You called me by my first name as well. Did you not?"

"I did. I guess it slipped out as well..."

"Or that we're close friends now."

Sakura stopped in her steps and looked at him and smirked.

"I guess so

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"I guess so." She said and kept walking.

In no time,they arrived at the Haruno's apartment. He walked up the steps and walk her to her door and said their goodbyes.

"Hey I really did enjoy my time today. It really took my mind off of...well you know."

"No problem. You actually helped as well."

"With what exactly?"

"Making me realize that life is too short to worry about things too much. That and my godfather being in the hospital as well."

Sakura nodded her headed and smiled wide. "Well I'm glad I could be of some use to you. Oh! Do you want to come in? I have some Coco?"

"That sounds nice but I'll pass. I really need to go home and college work. I'm kinda falling behind hehe." He said. "But I'll hold you to that offer next time."

"Alrighty then. It was a pleasure meeting and spending the day with you Uzumaki Naruto."

"You as well Haruno Sakura. See you later." Naruto said and began walking off.

"Hey wait!"

Naruto quickly turned around in confusion. "What is it?"

"Uh did you forget something?!"

"Uhhh." He looked around him and liked back at her. "No."

"Ugh this idiot... Your forgot my number dude!"

"Oh. Oh! Yeah! Uh sorry about that haha." He laughed and exchanged numbers with her.

"Now I'll really see you later. Bye now."

"Goodbye." Sakura said and closed the door.

' He really is something special...'

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