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I tried chasing after tyree but romaes tight grip around my waist stopped me. I turned around facing him.
Me: What are you doing?
Romae : it's better if you leave him to calm down.
Me: I don't want him to do anything stupid
Romae: trust me he will come to his senses
I slid his hands from my wais looking back at Romae before I left the room.
Me: I need to talk to him
I ran out then jumped into tyrees car just before he drove off. He continued looking straight ahead calmly but with a slight screw.
Tyree: Get out my car
he was speaking at a normal tone. Even though it scared me it was better than him shouting right?
Me: No I want to talk to you
Tyree: talking to you is the last thing I wanna do right now
Me: so you don't wanna sort this out
Tyree: did I say that?
Me: well that's what's happening
Tyree: just step out my car I ain't in the mood
Me : no
he kissed his teeth turning off the engine.
Me: What have I done wrong?
Tyree: don't act like you don't know
Me : I haven't done anything wrong tyree you're acting like a dickhead
Tyree: am I?
Me: Yes and you know what els-
Tyree: what imarni ? Miss perfect. You always take advantage of the fact I care for you. You saw how I brought Vanessa to apologise to you and you threw it right back in my face. But I'm still the one in the wrong? And the one that got you fucked up he aint wrong for that right?
Me: this isnt romaes fault
Tyree: he is the reason you're in this situation. Him and vanessa got you here and you're drawing them closer to you. Im here trying to help you and you're pushing me away, why?
Me: okay im wrong is that what you want to hear?
Tyree: no. You dont understand
Me: ok then explain what you want from me?
Tyree: just go home ill talk to you another time
Me: no we can sort it out now so you can either go yours to talk or Let's go back inside and talk
he looked at me then motioned for me to get out.


We were now in my room. I turned around towards him preparing myself for the worst cause I know tyree doesn't sugar coat things even for me.
Tyree: Imarni I don't even wanna argue with you. I'm tired of this. Since I came back we've argued non stop and I can't take it. I need you. So tell me why you're protecting Vanessa. That's all I wanna know?
I was surprised. I thought he would've shouted or something to scare me but he was calm.
Me: She will get me back worse. I'm the target. Even if I don't take part in what you lot do to her I'm still the target
Tyree: listen to me ... No one is going to touch you I have your back
Me: I don't want you to get hurt because of me
Tyree : I would do anything for you and you know that
Me: I love you
Tyree: I love you too. Come here
I walked into his wide arms and buried myself in his chest.
Me: Ty?
Tyree: yes Marni
Me: promise me you won't leave me again?
Tyree: I promise, I didn't have a choice the first time
I looked up to him
Me: please don't get yourself into anything stupid
Tyree: I think I learned from last time. I like how you care for me. No other girl does that
Me: of course I care for you. I've known you since i was born how can I not?
we both chuckled.
Tyree: Good. Just know I'm here and care for you too
My stomach did somersaults as I noticed his head coming down towards mine. As our lips connected i felt something I've never felt before. I liked it but it feels wrong. Just as we were getting into it I felt him tense up and groan on my lips as we parted.
Tyree : sorry I didn't mean to kiss you. I jus-
Me: it's fine
he looked down on me again leaning in again this time lifting me from my bottom so my legs wrapped around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. This time his tongue begged for entrance so I allowed it. He squeezed my bottom causing a moan to escape my mouth. I felt his piece getting harder underneath me. He pushed me down on it causing me to stiffen. He grinned on my lips and walked over to my bed sitting down with me still on his lap. We started kissing again enjoying the moment I started grinding on him. He groaned on my mouth then he pushed me further down his legs so I was no longer on his piece.
Tyree: You're too much for me
Me: I'll take that as a compliment
Tyree: I want you
I gasped looking down at his erected piece. Almost immediately he lifted my head up by my chin...


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