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After dancing my heart out I took my heels off throwing myself on the sofa in our section watching the guys drinking their life away. I know they'll regret all of this in the morning. I would be drinking with them but I have to go back home tomorrow and I know I can't handle alcohol enough to not have a hangover so I've limited myself to 2 drinks for the night.
Tyree: what's good baby girl?
I looked at Tyree screwing as he came to sit beside me grinning from ear to ear.
Tyree: come outside.
Me: what for?
Tyree: I can't hear you?
Me: Tyree what do you want?
I rolled my eyes reluctantly following him outside since he was pretending to not hear what I was saying even though I could hear him loud and clear over the music. He could barely even walk straight so I know this conversation is going to be all over the place.
Me: Tyree what do you want?
Tyree: you.
I rolled my eyes trying to walk back in until he grabbed me pulling me towards him almost throwing his whole drink on me.
Me: how much have you had to drink?
He grinned biting his lip at me making me even more annoyed because I know me and romaes girlfriend are going to be the ones having to look after them.
Me: stop staring at me and answer my question.
Tyree: you look good.
Me: why have you dragged me out here in the cold with you?
Tyree: you're cold? Hold this.
I took his drink since he shoved it in my chest and started unbuttoning his shirt.
Me: Tyree do not take your clothes off.
Tyree: I don't want you to freeze.
I rolled my eyes as he stood topless wrapping his shirt around my shoulders taking his drink back.
Me: I think you've had enough drink for the night.
Tyree: wait. I need to ask you something first.
Me: what?
Tyree: will you be my girlfriend?
I looked at him rolling my eyes again. Is he expecting me to take him serious right now?
Me: let's go back inside.
Tyree: wait. Tell me why not?
Me: Ty I'm not having this conve-
Tyree: is it about the waitress because you know I'm sorry about that?
Me: this isn't the time or place to be having this conversation.
Tyree: I only did it because I knew your roommate wanted you and I thought you were messing around with him.
Me: what?
I froze since he was starting to reveal a bit too much.
Tyree: I'm sorry.
Me: you were flirting with the waitress on purpose?
Tyree: I just wanted to see if you cared.
Me: so you did that shit on purpose then thought it was okay to treat me like I was crazy for calling you out on it? Tyree what the fuck?
I could feel my anger building up inside but at the same time I know he's far from sober and probably doesn't even know he's confessing all of this to me right now.
Me: where did you go this morning after you left my house ?
Tyree: you know where I went.
Me: who is she ?
Before he answered my question romae came outside with his phone screaming and taking pictures and videos of us for his Instagram story.
Romae: bro, why are you naked?
I took tyrees shirt from around my shoulders throwing it at him walking off.
Tyree: imarni wait.
I ignored him walking off. At least I know now that I wasn't over reacting about the whole restaurant situation because he was doing it on purpose. I no longer feel guilty about lying to him about me being with Jamal.

We all came back home in the same taxi but I managed to escape to my room so I could get ready for bed then call Jamal. I could hear Tyree trying to call me from the hallway to find out where I am so I jumped off my bed trying to stand behind the door but he walked in before I got the chance.
Tyree: you're going bed already?
Me: Tyree it's almost 4am
Tyree: okay I'm coming.
Me: no you need to stay with Jeremiah.
Tyree: but I want to stay with you.
I sighed out as he took his jeans off getting into my bed. I hate him when he's drunk.
Me: I don't actually want you in my bed.
Tyree: why not?
I stood infront of him with my arms crossed until he pulled me onto him.
Tyree: I love falling asleep and waking up next to you.
Me: we're not together anymore.
Tyree: but we're both single.
I sat up on his waist trying to get off since he started rubbing my bottom in both his hands.
Me: that doesn't mean we can do this.
Tyree: why not? Is somebody else doing it for you?
Me: it's none of your business what I have going on in my life right now.
Tyree: tell me who he is so I can speak to him. Tell him I just wanna talk.
I rolled my eyes attempting to get off of him but once again failing.
Me: I don't know who you're talking about.
Tyree: promise me there's nobody?
Me: I don't need to promise you anything. You went off to fuck somebody else this morning so who I decide to spend my time with is not your concern.
He started screwing me so I screwed him back holding onto his chest.
Tyree: I wanted you and you turned me down. I would of happily had sex with you instead.
Me: no Tyree that's not going to happen.
Tyree: you can't deny the sex we have.
Me: and I also can't act like everything else is perfect because it's not. Having sex with you is just going to bring a load of unnecessary drama.
Tyree: it won't I promise.
I screamed as he rolled us over so I was underneath him with my legs wrapped around his waist.
Tyree: I'm roasting Marni.
Me: how? You had sex this morning.
Tyree: I'm craving you not somebody else.
Me: it's not going to happen.
Trying to speak to a drunk and horny tyree was starting to blow my brain. I hate this shit.
Tyree: just help me out.
Me: I can't.
Tyree: why not


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