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Demari: why are you home?
Me: why are you in the fridge eating out all of our food?
He chuckled closing the fridge walking up to me since he could sense my mood. Thankfully romae drove me back to uni, the whole drive I was thinking about Tyree and the argument we had at the restaurant. I mean, I may of over reacted a little tiny bit but at the same time he knows how I feel about trusting him and I let him know that him grinning with the waitress made me feel a way and he still did it again.
Demari: what happened?
Me: we had another argument.
Demari: must've been bad if you couldn't even wait until the morning to come back. I swear you said you were staying until Sunday?
Me: I know I just didn't wanna stay with him. He really pissed me off.
Demari: do you wanna talk about it?
We sat on the sofa with my head on his chest. Maybe I should get his point of view to see if I'm over reacting.
Me: we were at a restaurant and the waitress kept turning her back to me and only acknowledging Tyree and they were grinning together so I told him I didn't like it then he did it again. When I questioned the lady on why she was treating me different he told me to calm down and stop over reacting right infront of her so I poured my drink on his jeans then left.
Demari: that sounds crazy. Were they flirting?
Me: in my eyes they were but he swears he doesn't see it.
Demari: I don't know what to say marni.
Me: do you think I'm over reacting?
Demari: no because if you felt a way and let him know and he still went and did it again then something's wrong but I don't think you should of came back here without clearing things up first.
Me: he was treating me like I'm stupid I didn't want to talk to him.
Demari: it's almost midnight right now. You may of felt different about it in the morning.
Me: I don't know. He knows I'm trying to trust him but he's not making it easy for me.
Demari: I think you should sleep it off and see how you feel in the morning. But don't let it stress you.
Jamal: I swear we're supposed to be celibate for a month D.
I leaned off of demari looking up at Jamal.
Jamal: oh it's you. The way you two were cuddled up I thought it was a booty call.
I rolled my eyes as he raised his eyebrow at me.
Jamal: why are you back anyway?
Me: I decided to only spend the evening.
Jamal: oh alright.
I fidgeted with my fingers as he stared me down making me feel awkward because I know he knows I'm not telling the whole truth.
Jamal: it's kool, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
Me: hows the celibacy going?
I decided to lift the tension since I could tell he wasn't happy I didn't want to tell him the truth.
Jamal: you know how it's going.
I screwed my face remembering when I walked into his bedroom this morning.
Me: did you have to remind me?
Jamal: you asked. So does this mean you're coming to the party tomorrow?
Me: maybe.
He tried to hide his grin.
Me: why are you smiling?
Jamal: can't I be happy?
Me: you have a mischievous grin on your face.
Jamal: can we watch suits now? I've been waiting for you.
Me: fine, let's go.
He grinned again leading the way to his room.
Demari: marni let me talk to you real quick.
I spun around walking back to him.
Me: what's up?
Demari: you're playing with fire.
Me: what?
Demari: You know Tyrees gonna flip if you keep leading Jamal on.
Me: I'm not. I treat him the same way I treat you.
Demari: you know it's different because he's trying to get with you.
Me: it's not like that.
Demari: I'm serious imarni. You might be mad at Tyree now but it's not going to be worth it.
Me: this has nothing to do with Tyree.
Demari: so you're telling me you're not using Jamal to make him jealous?
Me: no. Jamal is my friend.
Demari: kool. Have fun watching suits.
I smiled at him since he didn't look too convinced. I understand what he's saying but at the same time I genuinely enjoy Jamal's company and we know boundaries.
Jamal: I hope what he's saying isn't true.
Me: what?
Jamal: you using me to make Tyree feel a way.
Me: are you serious?
Jamal: I'm just saying.
Me: trust me. I'm not. We have a good friendship.
I sat down on his bed then he joined me not saying another word.
Me: I didn't think you was the insecure type. You seem like the player type.
Jamal: I'm not insecure and I'm not a player. If I get into a relationship I'm faithful.
Me: how many relationships have you been in?
Jamal: one.
Me: so if you wasn't unfaithful why did it end?
Jamal: we just grew apart.
I raised my eyebrow.
Me: sounds like you're not telling the full story.
Jamal: tell me why you didn't stay with your boyfriend for the weekend and I'll tell you the truth too.
Me: because we had an argument.
Jamal: about?
Me: him flirting with somebody else.
Jamal: so are you done now?
Me: no I'm just not talking to him right now.
Jamal: so you're going to forgive him?
Me: why did your relationship end?
Jamal: because I have trust issues.
Me: how long was it for?
Jamal: 3 years
Me: so what made you not trust her after so long?
Jamal: because I used to see people try it with her all the time.
Me: did she ever respond to them though?
Jamal: I didn't see her respond.
Me: so how did that end your relationship then? Wouldn't that make you want to keep her since you know so many other guys want her?
Jamal: because she would take advantage of it and use it against me everytime we had an argument. So I ended it and she got with somebody else within a week.
Me: oh right. That makes sense. How long ago was that?
Jamal: about 6 months ago.
Me: so are you looking to get into another relationship already?
He chuckled shaking his head.
Jamal: I'm not looking but I'm not holding back either.
Me: demari must love that you're single now though because you can hoe around together.
Jamal: well we're both celibate at the moment.
Me: it's for your own good.
He shook his head again turning suits on the TV.
Jamal: I think it just makes me tense.
Me: you just need a massage.
Jamal: I just need sex.


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