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We came back from our holiday last night and jet lag is hitting me so hard. I promised Tianna I would finally go out for food and a drink with her tonight so all I'm trying to do until then is sleep. But the person ringing off my doorbell is not allowing me to do that.
I got up to to answer it since my sister isn't here. My heart skipped a beat as imarni stood biting her bottom lip nervously.
Imarni: sorry did I wake you?
Me: na it's kool.
I let her in leading the way to the front room so I could lay on the sofa.
She sat on the other sofa playing with her fingers.
Me: what's up?
Imarni: just checking on you.
Me: really?
I've known her long enough to know when she's holding back but I want her to say what she has to say because I don't have the energy to force it out of her today.
Imarni: you look tired.
Me: I am. The time difference is getting to me.
Imarni: right...
Me: what's up for real?
Imarni: nothing. I'm going back to uni today so I thought I'd come and see you before I go.
Me: i appreciate that.
Imarni: even though I'm just your boys little sister.
I knew there was more to it.
Me: so that's what this is really about? You know exactly why I said that.
Imarni: But you knew that would hurt my feelings.
Me: because I heard him calling you baby in the background. Did you expect me to pour my heart out to you at the same time?
Imarni: I didn't deserve that. I would never do that to you.
Me: okay fine I'm sorry.
I sat up going to sit next to her.
Me: i shouldn't of said it. But you know I didn't mean it. You're more to me than that and you know that.
Imarni: do I?
Me: don't I tell you and show you enough?
She finally smiled as I squeezed her into a hug.
Imarni: I saw you having fun the other night.
Me: you've been watching me?
Imarni: no, it was on my timeline.
Me: don't worry. I know you missed me.
Imarni: and did you miss me?
Me: of course.
Imarni: so why didn't you call me?
Me: because I don't want to hear him calling you baby like I did the other day when I called.
Imarni: we broke up after the night that everything happened.
Me: but he's still calling you baby so what's the difference?
Imarni: what do you expect me to do?
Me: move somewhere else.
I sat back watching her since it actually looks like she's considering it.
Me: move out so we can try again.

As soon as imarni left I fell asleep only to be woken up an hour later by Tianna calling me. I bit my lip contemplating whether to answer it or not. It may sound bad but now that it looks like there's a chance for me and imarni to get back together, I'm not too sure if I want to continue pursuing anything with Tianna but at the same time I don't want to push her away if imarnis not serious about moving out of her apartment.
Me: hey T what's up?
Tianna: are you still on for tonight?
Me: can we reschedule? This Jet lag is killing me right now.
Tianna: Tyree are you cancelling on me again?
Me: I told you I'll make it up to you and I will. I promise.
Tianna: you've got a lot of making up to do.
Me: I got you, don't worry.
Tianna: fine. This is your last chance.
Me: thank you beautiful.

I high fived Marcus since we finally finished our assignment.
Marcus: I couldn't of asked for a better partner.
I rolled my eyes making him burst out laughing.
Me: I finally won't have to meet up with your stupid face again.
I laughed as he clenched his chest in his hand pretending to cry.
Marcus: I can't believe that's how you feel about me.
Me: I'm just messing with you.
Marcus: but do you remember when you called me stupid for real?
Me: yes and that time I actually meant it.
We both laughed remembering all of our arguements.
Marcus: we've come a long way, I don't feel like it should stop just because the assignments over.
Me: what are you trying to say.
Marcus: don't you agree?
Me: I just think it's a little sticky because you and jamal still haven't made up.
Marcus: it's up to you Marni. I'm having a party on Friday you should come.
Me: what's the occasion?
Marcus: there isn't one. Me and Tyra just wanted to have a good time.
Me: so you're planning parties together now? And you're telling me you're not more than friends?
He rolled his eyes as I continued to wind him up.
Marcus: whatever.
Me: I just don't understand why you're both hiding your feelings for each other. Just admit it.
Marcus: I'm not ready for that right now.
Me: why not?
Marcus: because if it goes wrong then I've lost a good friend.
Me: trust me the longer you hide it, the worse it will be.
Marcus: why do you care so much anyway?
Me: because I love playing Cupid. So if you don't tell her by Friday, I'll come to your party just to tell her myself.
Marcus: imarni don't do that to me.
Me: it's too late. You've admitted you have feelings for her too so you need to say it with your chest.


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