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Jamal left to go back home almost 10 minutes ago and Corey wasn't back yet so I was just alone in the house with my thoughts and I couldn't take it. I opened my Mac book trying to facetime Tyree but he declined it so I didn't it again... 3 more times until he answered.
Tyree: Imarni.
Me: can we talk?
I stared at him through the facetime as he started biting his jaw.
Tyree: we're done talking. Stop calling my phone.
Me: I'm not done.
Tyree: Imarni I'm serious.
Me: so am I. I used to talk to you everyday. I can't just act like I don't know you and like you don't mean everything to me. I can't do it so stop treating me like this.
Tyree: I told you I don't want a friendship with you and you made this decision so this is your own fault.
Me: I know you can't ignore me forever.
Tyree: if it means I stop getting hurt then yes I can.
Me: no you can't. You're in my room right now. I know you miss me.
Tyree: I'm done chasing after you when you don't want the same thing. It's hurts too much.
Me: I promise you won't hear anything about my relationship.
Tyree: good bye.
Me: no wait, please.
Tyree: we have this conversation every other month then I agree to be just friends and it never works out and I'm always the one getting hurt. I'm done fucking around. You're playing games with my feelings and I don't find it funny. You kiss me, have sex with me and then you throw me away knowing I'm going to be here waiting for you to pick me back up when you're ready but not this time. I don't deserve this shit so when I say I'm done I mean it. Stop calling me.
I stared at his angry face as my tears started to fall.
Me: you're hurting me right now.
Tyree: maybe now you know how it feels.
Me: I'm sorry.
He sighed out staring back at me as I tried to control my breathing.
Tyree: where are you?
Me: at the new house.
Tyree: okay, stop crying.
Me: I hate when you're mad at me. I don't mean to make you feel like this.
Tyree: I said stop crying.
I know he hates when I cry but what does he expect?
Me: I can't.
Tyree: please?
I got some tissue to wipe my eyes then we just sat staring at each other through the facetime. I didn't know what else to say but I didn't want to hang up.
Tyree: I can't be just friends with you because I miss us every time I look at you. And I know I can't not talk to you but if I'm not talking to you at all I'll eventually start thinking about you less and then I'll be able to move on with my life and not sit waiting for you to want to be with me again. I'd rather not see you at all than keep seeing you knowing that I can never love you the way I want to because you're with somebody else.
Me: so when I come back home and you're in the house or sleeping my room I should just act like you're not there?
Tyree: no Marni. I'll eventually stop doing this. I just miss you right now so I can't help it. I'll stop soon don't worry.
Me: and what if I don't want you to?
Tyree: you have no say in this anymore. You've already chosen him.
Me: I haven't chosen anybody.
Tyree: yes you have.
Me: Tyree...
Tyree: Imarni stop doing this. You're playing with my feelings again.
Me: I don't want to lose you.
Tyree: I gotta go pick your mum up from work, goodbye.
Me: call me back later okay?
Tyree: no.
I sighed out as he hung up. Corey walked into my room just as I closed my laptop.
Corey: has he come yet?
Me: who?
Corey: Daryll
Me: no he hasn't.
Corey: what's up why are you crying?
Me: nothing I was just talking to Tyree.
Corey: your eyes are bright red you know that right?
Me: yeah I figured, they're burning.
I took my phone out calling Jamal, I know I might regret this soon but I have to do it.
Jamal: hey baby girl, you okay?
Me: I kissed Tyree last night.
I froze as he hung up on me. Corey's jaw dropped and I didn't know what else to do.
Corey: what the fuck?
I was still frozen staring at my phone in disbelief because he hung up on me, what does that mean?
Corey: Imarni!
I jumped out of my trance looking up at him just as the doorbell went off.
Corey: fuck, that's Daryll.
Me: I'll get it.
I went to open the door and just as Corey said, it was Daryll.
Daryll: what happened?
Me: what?
Daryll: it looks like you've been crying.
Me: oh. No I'm fine.
Daryll: I know he's here because I saw him walking in.
Me: just give him some time.
Daryll: it's been months.
Me: you can't just expect him to get over it. Give him some time.
He stepped back screwing me as I started to raise my voice.
Corey: Marni... It's okay.
I calmed back down as Corey pulled me back letting his brother in. Daryll walked around me going to hug Corey.
Daryll: what the fuck have you been playing at?
Corey: I told you I'm good.
Daryll: mum's been asking about you everyday and everyday I have to lie to her and tell her that I've spoken to you and you're okay when really you've been avoiding us all. Imagine if something happened to you. How would we know?
I looked through the peep hole since someone was at the front door again.
Me: it's Jamal...

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