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A/N - Hi guys, i've now reached the maximum amount of parts so once this part is finished you'll have to go over to my profile & click 'Infidelity 2' for the rest of the story! 😊😊

2 weeks later:
I came out of my bathroom going straight into the kitchen where Corey stood eating some toast, as soon as he saw me he put his hand over his crotch as if it would help with the fact that I can see his morning wood.
Me: are you still not getting any?
Corey: nope, you?
Me: same, I don't understand how Tyree is doing this. It's been two weeks and now it's all I think about.
Corey: imagine how I feel. I haven't had any since we moved. I'm constantly horny Imarni.
I bursted out laughing as he threw his toast back onto his plate. Me and Corey have this talk every morning.
Me: I don't understand why you don't just find someone. You're single and I know atleast half of your Instagram followers would love the opportunity.
Corey: I told you, I can't have sex with a random person it needs to be someone I already know and everyone has gone back home for the holidays.
Me: that's your loss then.
Corey: you know what fuck it, if I get a std it will be worth it. I can't do this anymore. Every morning I wake up like this and it doesn't go down for hours.
He pointed at his manhood as he stood in his boxers. I'm starting to love the relationship I have with Corey, we tell each other everything and it's not awkward between us.
Me: go have a shower?
Corey: no I'm sick of masturbating. I. want. vagina.
I bursted out laughing again as he pronounced each word out.
Me: I feel so drained from this.
Corey: you look drained you need to go to the doctor's I heard you throwing up again last night after the gym.
I gave him the side eye since he started lecturing me.
Me: it was that dodgy food you ordered.
Corey: is that what had you throwing up 3 nights ago too? And if it was the food, why am I okay?
Me: whatever Corey.
Corey: don't let me have to book you an appointment.
Me: I don't need to go to the doctor's I'm good.


Taylor: you need to get a pregnancy test or go to the doctor's.
Tee: tell her again.
I rolled my eyes as they both started lecturing me on group facetime then Corey walked into my room sitting next to me.
Me: and then what happens if I'm actually pregnant?
Corey: I'll still love you.
Me: I'm not talking about you.
Tee: Ty will understand.
Me: no he definitely won't. He's punishing me already for being with Jamal by not having sex and then if he finds out I'm pregnant do you really think he will be okay with that?
Taylor: he loves you to death and would do anything for you.
Me: not this. This is too much.
Taylor: so what are you going to do if you are actually pregnant?
Me: Jamal isn't even talking to me. I haven't seen or spoken to him for 2 weeks.
Tee: that doesn't mean it can't work out even if you don't get back together.
Me: I'm not pregnant guys please stop talking about this.
Taylor: Corey are you single?
Corey: yea I am why?
Taylor: Well if Tyree kicks you to the curb Imarni you can just get with him.
Corey: are you calling me a back up plan right now?
Tee: Tyree will kill the both of you and he actually likes you Corey.
Corey: Imarni knows too much about me for us to be together.
I rolled my eyes at what they were saying.
Me: I just want Tyree... No more drama.

Corey: welcome to the no sex house.
I rolled my eyes walking into their house. Imarni came up to me hugging me whispering in my ear.
Imarni: has it been 2 months yet?
Me: baby it hasn't even been 1 month.
Corey: don't you have a friend or someone you can hook me up with just for an hour or so? I can trust that the people you know won't have any STDs right?
Me: I'm not a pimp you know that right?
He kissed his teeth as we both sat down and then Imarni came and sat on my lap. She's spent the last 2 weeks trying to tempt me to have sex with her but I meant every word I said about us being celibate. I can't lie it's hard but I've done this before and it will be worth it in the end all I have to do is keep myself busy.
Corey: I'm gonna go to the gym again I'll see you guys later.
Imarni: we went last night though?
Corey: I know but I need to let some steam out and hopefully I meet a nice girl that wants to come home with me.
I laughed as he put his trainers on walking out.
Me: so this gym thing, is it going to be permanent?
Imarni: I think so why?
Me: I like it, you look better and better every time I see you.
Imarni: thank you baby. Besides, Corey forces me to go because it's our routine. We wake up, go to the gym, come back, eat our breakfast and then complain about how none of us are getting any sex.
Tyree: ooh really?
Imarni: yup. And then I spend the rest of the day praying that you come to your senses and stop torturing me.
I grinned, kissing her as she grinded on my lap moaning on my mouth as my manhood got harder and harder underneath her.
Me: I told you, it's not going to work.
Imarni: Tyree please.
Me: stop it.
I picked her up putting her on the sofa next to me. I was almost giving in to her temptation so I stood up walking back and forth to hopefully calm my body down.
Imarni: I only want you and us having sex isn't going to change that I promise.
Me: you don't get it.
Imarni: yes I do. I know you're thinking I'm going to turn my back on you again but I won't I promise.
Me: have you spoken to Jamal?
Imarni: no I haven't.
Me: have you seen him?
Imarni: no.
Me: exactly so it's easy for you to say that you're not going to leave me now when you have no other option.
Imarni: Tyree you're not an option to me. I made Jamal break up with me so I could be with you what part of that don't you understand?
Me: can you just respect what I asked?
Imarni: fine do what you want.
Me: no I want a proper answer.
Imarni: yes baby I will.
I calmed back down as she came up to me wrapping her arms around my waist looking up at me.
Imarni: I'm just sexual frustrated.
Me: so am I.
Imarni: do you want me to sort that out for you?
Me: no I said I'm good.
She pretended to cry whilst hugging me tighter.
Imarni: how are you doing this?
Me: I want you more than you want me.
Imarni: that's impossible right now.
I groaned as she held onto my erection through my joggers.
Me: Imarni...
I gave in kissing her up against the wall until the front door opened.
Corey: my bad I forgot my ear phones, can't workout without music.
I stared down at Imarni out of breath.
Me: I'm gonna go.
Imarni: no Ty don't leave.
Me: I need to go do some things alright?
Imarni: can't you stay here tonight?
Me: I'll come tomorrow and stay the night.
Imarni: promise?
Me: we're still not having sex though.
Imarni: we'll see.
I kissed her one last time before I walked out going out to my car. The journey back home was about an hour so I put some music on making my way back.

Me: why did you come back!
Corey: I told you I forgot my ear phones.
Me: I almost had him.
Corey: sorry beautiful you wanna come gym with me I'm going to do some boxing?
Me: fine.
I rolled my eyes going to get my gym clothes on since I had nothing better to do. I hate that Tyree is torturing me like this.

Corey: let's do a 5 minute jog to warm up.
Me: alright, I'm ready to punch someone's face in because my boyfriend doesn't want to have sex with me.
He bursted out laughing shaking his head. We were 3 minutes into the run when I started to feel dizzy and nauseous at the same time so I slowed my treadmill down to a fast walk instead.
Corey: what's up?
Me: nothing just a little dizzy.
Corey: have you ate today?
Me: yeah I think so.
Corey: you think?
He stopped his treadmill then came over to me.
Corey: stop and stand up straight.
I did as he said holding onto him since the room was literally spinning.
Me: I'm going to be sick.
I still couldn't see very well but I managed to put one foot infront of the other as he guided me to the disabled toilets where I threw my breakfast up.
Corey: we're going to the doctor's now.
Me: no we're not.
Corey: yes we are.
I instantly felt better but now I started to feel drained. I cleaned up in the sink walking out passed Corey.
Corey: I'm serious.
Me: we're not going to the doctor's.
Corey: fine I'm buying you a test and we're going to go home now for you to do it.
I spun around on my heels screwing him.
Corey: I've let you put it off long enough and I'm starting to get worried about you.
Me: fine do what you want.


I was still on the way home when Jeremiah called me.
Me: what's good?
Jeremiah: where you been bro?
Me: I was at Imarni's.
Jeremiah: did you ask her why she's not coming back home?
Me: na I think she's coming back next week for a week until uni starts again.
Jeremiah: alright kool. Have you two not had an argument and broken up again yet?
I kissed my teeth as he started laughing. Of course he got mad again when I told him that me and Imarni were back together but I know what I'm doing this time... This time it's real.
Me: you ain't gotta hate on us.
Jeremiah: I'm not, that's my little sister, I want the best for her and you're my brother from another, I don't wanna lose you either.
Me: I love you too. You don't need to worry, me and Marni are good.
Jeremiah: kool, you coming mine now?
Me: yeah. I'm getting some food on the way you want something?
Jeremiah: yeah where are you going?
Me: what the fuck...
I tried to hold onto my steering wheel as everything happened all at once... a car drove right infront of me so I tried to slow down whilst turning to avoid it but instead my car started spinning around in the air so fast I couldn't control it and then I hit my head off the door blacking out...

Corey: Imarni open the fucking door.
Me: no. I'm not taking the test.
Corey: you being in denial isn't going to change the results.
Me: so?
Corey: I'll kick the door down if I have to.
Me: ok ok fine.
I opened my bedroom door since I could hear him forcing his body onto it.
Corey: go into the bathroom now.
I rolled my eyes taking the pregnancy test out of his hands and going into my bathroom where he followed.
Me: can I have some privacy?
Corey: no because I don't trust you.
I sighed out sitting on the toilet so I could pee on the stick whilst Corey turned around so he was facing the wall. As soon as I was done I washed my hands, put the test on the side then walked out back to my room. 5 minutes later he came into my room with it in his hand.
Corey: do you not want to see the results?
Me: just tell me what it says?
Corey: you're pregnant...

A/N - Thanks for reading & don't forget to click 'Infidelity 2' for the rest of the story! There's a part already available to read.😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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