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I sat on my bed trying my hardest not to look at imarni as she stood by the window with tears in her eyes. I hate seeing her upset but I can't keep getting hurt by her and not do or say anything about it. Last night tipped me over the edge because I didn't expect her to defend Jamal after I was doing her a favour. But I should've known she would've defended him anyway.
Imarni: I'm sorry I shouted at you last night. I took my anger out on you because you were ignoring me all week like it was nothing like it was so easy for you to do. I know you came to my rescue and I appreciate that 100% and I love that you still came and protected me even though you were mad at me.
Me: I forgive you.
Imarni: if you forgive me why are you still mad at me?
Me: because why did it take you so long to apologise? Why did you get at me in the first place when you knew I was protecting you and you saw him start it? It happened right in front of you.
Imarni: because I was mad at you Ty.
Me: that's your excuse?
Imarni: what do you expect me to say? I did it out of anger and I feel stupid for it.
Me: if I see any of them again it's over.
Imarni: they were both drunk.
Me: I don't give a fuck.
Imarni: Tyree you can't just do that.
Me: your boy knew what he was doing so he better watch his back.
Imarni: please don't do anything to them.
Me: I tried to be cordial with him after he got with you and then he does this shit. I'm not letting this one go.
Imarni: I hate when you do this.
I finally looked up at her instantly calming down.
Me: you don't need to get involved.
Imarni: this is about me.
Me: not anymore.
Imarni: why were you ignoring me?
Me: I already told you.
Imarni: you haven't told me the real reason.
Me: so what's the real reason?
Imarni: what did my brother say to you about me?
Me: who told you that?
Imarni: Ty I was in the room right next door I could hear you two arguing.
Me: so why are you asking me what he said if you heard?
Imarni: because I want to know exactly what was said and what you said back?
Me: you already know.
Imarni: why would he be arguing with you when we're just friends. He knows I'm with someone else.
Me: maybe because I can't just drop my feelings for you. I'm not as heartless as you, I don't just move on easily.
Imarni: I'm not heartless. I tried with you.
Me: no you didn't.
Imarni: are you for real right now?
Me: everytime we had a arguement you tried to make me jealous with him. How do you think that made me feel knowing you're living with him?
Imarni: you were paranoid from the beginning.
I stood up putting my jogging bottoms on.
Me: I tried to trust you.
Imarni: I wanted it to work but your focus was on him.
Me: you made me insecure.
I started biting my jaw walking up to her.
Imarni: how long were you planning on ignoring me for?
Me: until I stopped caring about you.
Imarni: has it worked?
Me: what do you think?
Imarni: I think you should stop listening to my brother.
Me: the last thing I want to do is fuck up my friendship with jay especially when you're not serious about us.
Imarni: there's nothing wrong with us being friends right?
Me: right...
I slowly nodded bringing my face to hers kissing her deeply. No matter how much times we try and call ourselves friends, we both know it could never be that.

We carried on kissing as he lifted me up to sit on the window sill getting in-between my legs making me feel his slight excitement pressed in-between my thighs. This is not what I meant when I said I was coming to apologise. I pulled onto the rim of his jogging bottoms until he stopped stepping back grabbing onto his manhood through his joggers.
Tyree: fuck.
Me: what?
Tyree: I told you, I'm celibate.
Me: are you serious?
I pulled him back towards me wrapping my legs around his waist.
Tyree: yes I'm being serious.
Me: look at me.
I held onto his chin since his eyes were everywhere except in my direction.
Me: what do you want from me?
I used my legs to pull him closer to me since he wasn't responding he was just staring into my eyes biting his jaw.
Tyree: what do you want?
Me: I don't know.
Tyree: so why did you kiss me back?
Me: why did you kiss me?
Tyree: because I love you and I miss us.
Me: how can you say you miss us when you said all I did was make you feel insecure.
Tyree: I miss us before you went to uni.
Even though we were looking each other in the eyes he still kept stealing glances down to my lips.
Me: do you want me to kiss you again?
Tyree: are you still with him?
I stayed silent since his question caught me off guard. Technically I am because I haven't ended it but I really don't know how me and jamal are going to come back from this.
Tyree: then no.
Me: why are trying to act like you don't want this when I know you do?
Tyree: I don't want it like this.
I used my hand to feel his manhood through his joggers.
Me: your friend is begging to come out right now.
Tyree: that means nothing. I could easily fuck you if I wanted to but this is more than that.
He groaned moving my hand away since I was trying to play with it.
Tyree: I'm serious.
Me: fine.
We started having a death stare match. I don't know why I'm so annoyed right now. I didn't even come here to kiss or have sex with Tyree and I know I would regret it if it happened because I still need to speak to Jamal properly. Even though I'm saying this in my mind, my body was not correlating. I leaned in to him kissing him again until he lifted me up dropping me onto his bed.
Tyree: Marni you're killing me right now.
Me: I'm sorry.
Tyree: I need to shower and get rid of this boner.
I sighed out as he kissed his teeth walking out.


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