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Tyree's now driving me to school, yes he's still pissed about the boy that called, yes my phone is still on the floor in my room. I wasn't planning on cleaning it up either so he better do it and buy me a new phone aswell cause he didn't need to throw it. After all it's my phone and I can give my number to whoever I want to. But I wasnt gonna say anything he should know this already. He kissed his teeth out of nowhere causing me to screw, he better not start his speech about boys again cause I don't wanna hear it.

tyree : the amount of times I've told you not to talk to them fucking idiot's on the street that try holla at you but yet you're giving your number out?

Me: it has nothing to do with you. I didn't tell you to pick up MY phone did i ? last time I checked it was my life you don't have a say in my life. You can do whatever you want in yours.

tyree: I don't care what you think, if I tell you to stop you're gonna stop. Do you think i wanna be hearing you've been linking guys and doing things with them? And if I ever hear you are... trust and believe you're not gonna like what I'm gonna do.

Me: so it's alright for me to be doing things with you but as soon as it comes to another guy you wanna act like its wrong?

tyree: look how long we've known each other. You know for a fact I will not fuck you and leave you. You know for a fact I will not set you up for no one. You know for a fact I will hold you down and stay by your side.

Me: so what? You can't use that as an excuse. Look how long I've known romeo.

tyree: look at the situation you're in and you're telling me you have no doubts in your mind that he wants to get back at you for vanessas sake?

Me: I didn't do anything to Vanessa. She beat me up that's it. romeo knows that.

tyree: imarni just leave it. You don't understand a word im saying.

Me: just because you're always seeking revenge on people doesn't mean everyone is like that.

Tyree: don't bring that up.

Me: no I will forever bring it up until you stop doing it.

tyree : do what you want then. Imma get romeo, let's see how you're gonna speak to him then and as for that dickhead you gave your number to tell him watch out cause imma find him too.

Me: I dare you to touch any of them.

tyree : I warned you already. You don't wanna listen so I will sort it out myself.

me: Tyree, I dare you to touch any of them.

He stopped outside the gates leaving the engine on.

tyree : its either you deal with it or I will..


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