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I sat staring at the text from Tyree.
Tyree- I'm at the café by your apartment. Let's talk now.
Just before he sent that text I tried to call him and he declined my call. Why is he being so difficult right now?
I sighed out going out to the front room putting my shoes on.
Demari: what's up with you?
Me: nothing I'm just going to the café down the road. When's your booty call coming?
Demari: she's on the way so make sure you don't come back before we make it to my room.
Me: you're so disgusting.
Demari: atleast I ain't fucking my room mate.
Me: you must've forgot I heard you and Jada the other day.
Demari: speaking of Jada. Where is she?
Me: working, she works at the café down the road.
Demari: is that why you're going there?
Me: no I'm going to see Tyree.
Demari: does Jamal know?
Me: no. He fell asleep in my room not long ago.
Demari: good luck. I don't want you crying either.
I rolled my eyes leaving the apartment.

I sat around the table taking a deep breath as Tyree looked up at me forcing a smile.
Me: what's up?
Tyree: I see you've finally taken that bullshit from around your neck.
Me: is this what you came here to do?
Tyree: no. I don't want any arguments.
Me: why did you tell my mum to speak to me about us?
Tyree: how did you know I told her?
Me: I'm not stupid. I know my mum wouldn't get involved unless you asked her to.
Tyree: I was pissed off and she wanted to know why so I told her and asked for some advice.
Me: you can't keep acting like I did all of this.
Tyree: I just want to know where your mind is at.
Me: my mind is focused on my own life right now.
We both looked up at Jada as she walked over to our table.
Jada: everything good over here?
Me: yeah how's work?
Jada: work is work. Do you want a hot chocolate before my boss comes back out?
I laughed nodding as she walked away. Everytime I come here she gets me a free hot chocolate.
Tyree: I knew I recognised her.
Me: what?
Tyree: she's been giving me dirty looks since I got here.
Me: I wonder why...
Tyree: a couple of weeks ago you wanted us to work it out. So what's changed now?
Me: a couple of weeks ago you didn't want to even talk to me so you tell me what's changed?
Tyree: I'm done being mad at you. I just want you back.
Me: you can't just pick and chose when you want to know me again.
Tyree: you know me. I don't like sharing anything. You can't tell me you've done shit with another guy and then expect me to be okay with that. I was hurt that you did what you did and then lied to me about it.
Me: if I knew you would've listened to me and not got mad and went for Jamal I would of told you there and then.
Tyree: so you wasn't going to tell me?
Me: I don't know.
Tyree: do you love me?
My heart skipped a beat as he looked me directly in my eyes. Thankfully Jada came back with my hot chocolate.
Jada: are you okay marni?
I nodded thanking her for the drink.
Tyree: have you got a problem?
Me: Tyree now is not the right time.
Jada: yes I do actually.
Tyree: then say it. Don't walk around giving me dirty looks.
I sighed out giving up. I know once Tyree starts there's no stopping him.
Jada: first of all. I don't know who you think you are coming back to marni like you didn't just block her off everything and ignore her for days over something that you could've sorted out if you spoke to her. She was stressed for so long because you wanted to act like a 2 year old and run off out of the country.
Tyree: it ain't your business what me and imarni have going on so worry about your own shit.
I stood up infront of Jada as she got closer and closer to Tyree. I didn't realise she felt this way about us especially since she not long cheated on her boyfriend.
Jada: you had her crying for days over you now you want to come back and act like she's owes you something?
Me: Jada your boss is coming. Please don't get yourself into trouble over this.
I finally breathed out as she turned around going to the other side of the room.
Tyree: is this how you feel too?
Me: Tyree whatever she said has nothing to do with me.
Tyree: clearly it does because who the fuck told her all of that stuff?
Me: are you seriously taking this out on me right now?
Tyree: I came here to talk it out with you and only you. Why the fuck is it okay for her to get involved?
I froze for a second as my mind processed what was going on. Am I really getting shouted at infront of a bunch of people because someone told him about his actions?
Me: I don't have time for this.
I put my hands up in surrender then walked out of the café.
Tyree: imarni wait.
I carried on walking to the nearest park so I could have some time alone with my thoughts but Tyree was not too far behind me.
Tyree: hear me out.
Me: Tyree you just embarrassed me infront of everybody.
Tyree: I'm sorry.
Me: no sorry don't cut it. You didn't need to do that.
Tyree: your friend just came at me and you let it happen.
Me: because what she was saying was true.
Tyree: so what now then because we're clearly not on the same page?
Me: we both need to think about what we want.
Tyree: I know what I want.
Me: I don't think you do.
Tyree: I want you.


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