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We both froze as I realised what I said. Fuck, did I just tell her I love her?
Me: I didn't mean to say that.
She grinned at me.
Imarni: are you sure?
I ignored her question kissing her again. I did mean it but it's too early to admit it right now.

Me: hello?
Rhiannon: Jamal what the fuck are you playing at?
I jumped up out of imarnis bed looking at the time.
Rhiannon: you were supposed to meet me 30 minutes ago.
Me: my bad. I fell asleep.
Imarni: who's that?
Me: my assignment partner, baby one second.
I put my boxers on walking out of imarnis room.
Rhiannon: you fell asleep, really Jamal?
Me: are you going to wait for me to get ready and come now?
Rhiannon: you already skipped our work session this morning to chase after your little girlfriend why are you doing this again? Just because you want to fail doesn't mean I do too.
Me: arguing with me over the phone isn't going to get any work done either.
Rhiannon: you know what. Fuck you. I'll find another partner.
Me: just wait for me I'm coming now.
Rhiannon: no it's fine. I don't need your help.
I kissed my teeth as she hung up.
Imarni: what's wrong with her?
Me: I was supposed to meet her half an hour ago to do some work.
Imarni: so why didn't you?
Me: because you drained all of my energy and I overslept.
I kissed her on her forehead as we hugged in the middle of the hallway.
Imarni: maybe you should apologise to her.
Me: I was trying to but she wasn't having any of it.
Imarni: rihannon looks like the type of girl you don't want to get on the wrong side of.
I chuckled. Imarni doesn't even know the half of it.
Me: I'm going to go and make sure she doesn't kill anybody.

Just as I thought, rihannon wasn't at the place we were supposed to meet so I managed to find out where she lived on campus and took a visit. Her best friend from college that hates me opened the door.
Shontae: who are you?
Me: shontae I know you know exactly who I am. Where is Rhiannon?
Shontae: why are you here?
Me: I need to speak to her.
Shontae: she's changed her partner already.
Me: she can't do that so stop wasting my time and tell me where she is.
Shontae: she doesn't want to see you right now.
I rolled my eyes walking passed her in the apartment since she was starting to annoy me.
Shontae: Jamal don't make me have to call security on you.
I opened all of the room doors until I saw Rhiannon sitting on the bed in one of them.
Shontae: I told him not to come in.
Me: can you go away?
She rolled her eyes walking back out leaving me with Rhiannon.
Me: why are you being difficult on purpose?
Rhiannon: you agreed to meet up at 7pm. It's now 8pm.
Me: I'm sorry about that. I told you I fell asleep.
Rhiannon: whatever Jamal.
Me: can we move on or are you still mad at me?
Rhiannon: I'm not mad at you.
Me: yes you are. The first time we met up to do this assignment you were fine. Now you're moody all of the time.
Rhiannon: whatever Jamal.
Me: stop saying whatever to me.
Rhiannon: or what?
I raised my eyebrows at her as she grinned rolling her eyes.
Me: I'm serious Ri you know I hate when you say that.
Rhiannon: oh so I'm 'Ri' to you again?
Me: what's that supposed to mean?
Rhiannon: because as soon as college was over you acted like you didn't know who I was. I told you how I felt about you and you ignored it completely.
Me: because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I told you I didn't want a relationship.
Rhiannon: and I respected that. I didn't expect you to act like I didn't exist.
Me: would you of preferred if I kept in contact with you so you could see all of the girls I was messing with?
I finally sat down on her bed next to her since she finally calmed down.
Rhiannon: so what's changed now?
Me: nothing.
Rhiannon: you're in a relationship now so why is she so special?
Me: it just wasn't the right time.
Rhiannon: so what's changed?
I looked back at her. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and tell her that I didn't feel the same way about her even though it's the truth.
Me: I just came out of a toxic relationship at the time. I wasn't ready t-
I leaned back almost falling off of the bed as she leaned towards me attempting to kiss me. What the fuck?


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