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Even though me and Vanessa started cheating we still somehow managed to lose the bet so she was paying for Romeo's food &I have to pay for Corey's. We were now at a random restaurant that was by the trampoline place trying to decide what to eat.
Corey: I feel real hungry right now you know Imarni.
Me: whatever just hurry and decide what you're having before I change my mind.
Vanessa: Romeo don't even think you're going overboard with the food.
Romeo: you lost the bet you don't get to choose what I eat.
Corey: you two are both sounding like bitter losers.
After we ordered we all sat talking but I was texting Jamal since he texted me a few minutes ago.
Jamal- how was trampolining?
Me- it was fun, we should go some time.
Jamal- sounds good, let me know when.
Me- what you been doing?
Jamal- missing you...
Me- oh okay friend.
Jamal- Lol I'm not your friend, when are you coming back?
Me- just getting some food right now, maybe in a few hours.
Corey- get off your phone.
I looked at the message from Corey then looked up at him across the table.
Me: why are you texting me?
Corey: because I was calling your name and you wasn't hearing me.
Me: my bad, what's up?
Corey: who were you texting?
Me: I don't think that's any of your concern.
Corey: oh it's like that?
Me: yeah it is.
I turned away from him listening into Vanessa and Romeo's conversation to avoid the awkwardness.

We were finally finished eating & the bill came so I took my purse out to pay for me and Corey.
Corey: it's kool, I got us.
I raised my eyebrow at him as he put enough money on the table to cover the both of us. Vanessa cleared her throat trying to hint for Romeo to do the same thing.
Romeo: nope, I'm not as nice as Corey. You lost the bet so pay up.
Vanessa: you're the worst brother ever.
Romeo: thank you.
Me: are you coming back to the new place after this?
Vanessa: na my boyfriend's on his way to come and get me.
Me: kool, I'll go back to the apartment then.
Romeo: so you're not going to chill with us because Vanessa going?
Me: I've been with you guys since last night.
Romeo: fine, I see how it is.
We all got up to leave going back to Corey's car.
Vanessa: he's here, I'll see you back at the apartment Marni.
Romeo: I'll come and say hello with you.
I hugged Vanessa just before they both walked off leaving me with Corey again. I got into the back seat as he got into the drivers side.
Corey: did I scare you away?
Me: what?
Corey: why are you sitting in the back?
Me: so Romeo can go in the front, I'm getting out first right?
Corey: yeah, about that... I need you to come back to the house so we can talk.
Me: about?
Corey: because since I said what I said to you earlier this morning you've been acting different.
Me: what do you expect Corey, you know what you said.
Corey: I know and I'm sorry so I just want to talk to you about it properly so we can clear the air.
I nodded as Romeo got into the car so we started the journey back to the new house texting on my phone to pass time.
Jamal- oh so you spent the night making dance videos with your little friends?
Me- we were just messing about.
Jamal- I know we're 'just friends' but what's the deal with you and Corey because I don't like the way he looks at you?
Me- how would you know how he looks at me?
Jamal- watch the video with you and Vanessa.
I rolled my eyes going over to my Instagram to see what Jamal was talking about. I watched the video  me and Vanessa doing a dance as Corey was in the background sitting on the sofa. Throughout the whole video he was watching me from behind and then he started biting his lip with a little smile... Maybe Jamal's right but that could mean anything right? I went back over to respond to Jamal.
Me- it's nothing like that.
Jamal- but you see what I mean right?
Me- no not really.
Jamal- kl.
Me and Corey are planning on talking when we get to the house so we'll just clear this all up.

Just as we got to the house Jamal tried to facetime me so I let it ring out, I'll call him back later.
Trey: what's good Imarni, it's been a while.
He came over to me so I hugged him.
Me: hi are you okay?
Trey: I'm good thanks.
Me: where were you last night?
Trey: I went out with Sam, ended up staying at a hotel with some girls we met.
Me: oh so you both had a good night then?
He started laughing making me shake my head in disgust.
Corey: Marni.
Me: yeah?
Corey: come here please beautiful.
I followed him into his room sitting on his sofa.
Me: what's up?
Corey: let's talk.
Me: about what you said earlier?
Corey: yeah... I know I scared you.
Me: no, I was just suprised because when we met we agreed that we would build a friendship.
Corey: right.
Me: and now it's getting awkward because you're saying things that would suggest otherwise.
Corey: don't take it too serious Marni.
Me: how can I not?
Corey: this is just how I am. Don't take offence to it. You know I find you attractive, you're not in a relationship so I didn't feel the need to hold back on anything I say.
Me: but you don't act like this with Vanessa.
Corey: I don't see her in that way. Vanessa's Romeo's sister, that's how I see her.
Me: kool.
Corey: I'll stop saying so much if it makes you feel uncomfortable alright?
Me: it's not that. I just don't want to get too serious.
Corey: it won't, I promise.

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