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Marcus: how did you manage to tie him down?
Me: what?
Marcus: Jamal.
Me: Marcus what are you talking about?
Marcus: I'm just curious.
Me: what makes you think I chose to pursue a relationship with him and not the other way around?
Marcus: we all said there's no way we're getting tied down in uni. Now we're not even 1 year in and he's tied down with you.
Me: who's we?
Marcus: a few of our boys.
Me: first of all I've never heard of you before so you clearly aren't that important and secondly it isn't your business what we have going on.
He sat back grinning at me as I screwed. The more people I speak to the more I find out about Jamal and his ways.
Marcus: I'm not trying to get at you I'm just curious.
Me: take your curiosity elsewhere because we have work to do.
Marcus: it's like that imarni?
I ignored him typing random stuff on my laptop.
Marcus: why are you getting upset?
Me: I'm done for today.
Marcus: wait, my bad.
I stood up packing my laptop in my bag to leave until he came up behind me grabbing both my hands.
Jamal: woah what's going on here?

I screwed as Marcus stepped back from imarni so she could walk out of the library. I tried to stop her but she slapped my hand away.
Me: what the fuck was that about?
Marcus: nothing, don't worry about it.
Me: what do you mean don't worry about it? I walked in to see you pressing up against my girl from behind.
Marcus: I was trying to stop her from leaving.
Me: you didn't have to grab her from behind to do that.
Marcus: my bad.
Me: what's wrong with her?
Marcus: that's your girl, you go and find out.
I kissed my teeth walking back out to the hall way where Rhiannon was waiting for me.
Me: which way did imarni go?
Rhiannon: we have shit to do.
Me: answer my question.
Rhiannon: no.
Me: what is wrong with you?
Rhiannon: I'm done being stupid for you Jamal.
Me: what are you talking about? I asked you a simple question.
Rhiannon: I'm not going to stand here waiting for you while you go around chasing her. Just like you did when I was trying to get with you in college and you went around fucking every other female behind my back while I chased you down like an idiot.
Me: Rhiannon this isn't about you right now.
Rhiannon: I don't care. You can't keep walking around like it never happened thinking I'll forget about it.
Me: you were with someone at the time and I told you I didn't want a relationship.
Rhiannon: so what's changed?
Me: you know what. I'll text you to rearrange this for later on, I need to sort something out.
I kissed my teeth again walking away to find imarni. I don't have time to argue with Rhiannon. Towards the end of our college year I broke up with my ex, and decided to have fun and mess around. That's when Rhiannon tried to get into a relationship with me, I told her I wasn't ready and she still tried knowing that I was messing around with other girls. I do admit I lead her on a little bit but I was straight with her from the beginning.

Me: imarni?
I walked around the whole apartment looking for her until I found her in her room.
Me: what happened?
Imarni: I just want to be alone right now.
Me: let me know what's up first then I'll leave you alone.
She stood up putting her trainers back on so I stopped her as she tried to leave her room.
Me: talk to me.
Imarni: I'm tired of hearing about the shit you get up to.
Me: what shit?
Imarni: you being a hoe and saying you're not getting into a relationship in uni. How do I know that this isn't just an act?
Me: Marcus told you that?
Imarni: it doesn't matter who told me.
Me: marni. You know I wasn't trying to get with anybody. But the closer I got to you the more I wanted to be with you. I wouldn't be doing all of this for nothing trust me.
Imarni: everybody I speak to has something to say about you.
Me: it's all different now I promise.
I pulled her chin up to me so I could kiss her but she turned to the side so it landed on her cheek.
Me: are you really going to believe him over me?
Imarni: I don't know what to believe right now.
Me: I went celibate for 2 months is that not enough proof?
Imarni: it's not just about sex Jamal.
Me: fine.
I went onto my phone going onto Instagram. I found the picture that I took of imarni on her birthday and posted it with the caption. 'Baby Girl💜' I looked back at her as she gave a little smirk still trying to be mad at me.
Me: I'm not hiding you if that's what you think. I'm not here to play games with you either. I want you to be mine. I told you that already and I'm not the type to sell you dreams. If I just want sex you would know about it.
Imarni: how do I know you don't do this with everyone?
Me: you've seen my page. No females are posted on there unless they are family.
I attempted to kiss her again and she finally let me.
Me: so can you finally be mine?
I smiled as she nodded pulling me onto her bed while taking our clothes off.
Me: you're so cautious but I love it... I love you.


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