2. Reunion

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Why is he back?

That one thought, I couldn't get out of my mind as I sat on the swings. I didn't go home; because that's the first place Naoki would have him look.

Instead, I came to the same swings where we had met, the same swings where he had told me he was leaving. These swings hold so many memories for me; both good and bad. A cold wind swept through the air and I shivered as I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort.

Damn it!

Why do I feel like this?! Why is he back?! He's probably forgotten all about me and I've never stopped thinking about him. My eyes became itchy again, but I knew I wasn't going to cry.


The wind continued to sweep throughout the air and I let the cold attack me. I didn't care if I got sick or not; I was to lost in my thoughts to care about anything right now.

So that's why Naoki was so excited; she had picked up on Naruto's scent, and like an idiot I followed her.

'Why did you run off' Kinase said irritated 'you could have at least said hi!'

I ignored her and continued to think about the situation. I was so shocked to see him; he was the last person I was expecting to see yet...

Another cold wind attacked my skin; when something warm draped across my shoulders. My eyes widened as I heard soft footsteps before he sat on the swing next to me.



I gritted my teeth in irritation before yanking his jacket off of my shoulders and setting it on his lap.

"I don't need your jacket!" I said angrily glaring at him.

He frowned and didn't reply. I turned my head away from him and stared at the ground as my heart rate began to increase and a weird sensation fluttered in my stomach.

Damn it! Why won't he just go away?!

"Ruka" Naruto said softly "I've missed you."

My heart leapt in my chest and I ignored him. I-I just want him to go away!

"Where's Naoki" I asked slowly.

"At the castle" Naruto replied "she couldn't find you, so I told her to go ahead and sleep and then I came to look for you."

I sighed in relief and let some of my worry drift away. Naoki's sound asleep in the castle; that's good.

"You've really changed" Naruto said suddenly "you're a lot more different then I thought you would be."

I stood up and walked off. I really don't want to talk to him. I felt like if I sat there any longer I'd probably go crazy.

"Oi!" I heard him say as he placed his hand on my shoulder to stop me "where are you going?"

I turned around and glared at him angrily before grabbing the front of his shirt in my fist.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME UZAMAKI!" I said angrily as my eyes became itchy again "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU! I-I'LL PUNCH YOU!"

"Wait!" Naruto said anxiously "I've just missed you so much! I just...please don't punch me...wait!"

I exhaled deeply and removed my grip on his shirt as he sighed in relief.

"You're really scary Ruka" he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

I giggled slightly and lowered my gaze to the ground. I try so hard to convince myself that I hate him but...

You are the only one....                       ×Book 2×Where stories live. Discover now