58. A Sensei's student

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<The Next Day>
~Ruka's POV~

"I'm surprised you didn't say goodbye to Naruto before he went to Mount Myõboku" Kazami said, sitting at the base of a tree.

I didn't reply.

Naruto had left this morning to undergo the same training Jirayia had went through as a kid. He had left with an elder toad named Fukasaku, the same toad that had informed us of Jirayia's death and had to have some strange code on his back decoded. Kazami was wrong, I did tell Naruto goodbye....it was just a hug though. I'm sure he understood so no words needed to be exchanged.

"Look" Kazami said, sighing deeply "I never told you this but I figure you should know now. I was on a team of four just like you are."

"Really" I said in disbelief, turning towards her "who was on your team?!"

"Well" she replied "you've met all of them, and unfortunately two of them are dead."

Hmm, I've met all of them, and two of them are dead. I thought about it for a moment then the realization hit me hard and my eyes widened in shock. Orchimaru and Jirayia are dead....does that mean....? I glared at Kazami and pointed an accusing finger at her.


"I didn't figure it was important."


"Look" Kazami said, impatiently "I told you and now stop yelling at me! Truthfully, the reason I didn't tell you is because I didn't want you to see me any differently than you do now. I wanted this to be a simple Student to Sensei relationship and nothing more complicated then that."

I stopped yelling and let out a loud sigh before placing my hands on my hips. I guess she's right; if she had told me this when I was younger I would treat her a lot differently then I do now.

"Alright" I said as Kazami looked up at me "yelling won't do my any good. So, what kind of training did you want me to do out here anyway?"

Kazami smiled and bit her thumb as she began making hands signs. Once she was finished she slammed her palm on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A small puff of smoke billowed in front of her and I groaned in annoyance; already aware of which wolf was gonna appear from it.

"Hey Kazami, it's been a while!"

"Hello Kenshin."

(In case you forgot what he looked like)

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(In case you forgot what he looked like)

Kenshin turned towards me and rolled his eyes in the same annoyance in which I held.

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