69. An old friend

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========Earlier that day========
~Sasuke's POV~

Karin, Suigetsu, Jugo, and I were quickly hopping from branch to branch, getting closer to Konoha.....closer to my goal.

I planned to make each and every last person in Konoha suffer for what they had to make Itachi endure through. I know it won't be easy, especially with that idiotic blonde haired loser, but I have to try. As we continued onwards towards our destination, the air started to ripple slightly and I watched as Madara appeared in front of me, causing everyone to gasp and stop in their tracks.

"Madara" I said coldly, my eyes narrowing slightly.

"Sasuke" he asked "you're heading to Konoha, I presume?"


"Well I'm afraid now is not the time to be going there" Madara said "Konoha has been completely destroyed. All that's left is a giant dirt crater."

I heard Karin give a loud gasp as multiple thoughts consumed me. Someone destroyed Konoha; who could have possibly done that much damage in a single day?

"Pain, the former leader of the Akatsuki, attacked Konoha in the attempts to capture the Nine Tailed and Eleven Tailed Fox" Madara explained, as though reading my mind.

Naruto and Ruka, eh?

"He failed" Madara said "Pain was killed and Naruto is the village hero. He's grown quite strong and will prove to be a formidable opponent for you Sasuke."

I smirked and turned my gaze away from him, uninterested. Does he really believe that idiot will get the best of me? Just because he's the 'village hero' doesn't mean he can't easily be killed.

"I suppose Ruka is a hero too?"

"Who knows" Madara said, looking away.

I glared at him suspiciously. If he was there to see Naruto become a hero I'm sure he had to be there for Ruka as well. So why would he say, who knows?

"Why were you even there in the first place" I asked, keeping the suspicion out of my voice.


"I see."

I turned away from him and began hopping off as Karin, Suigetsu, and Jugo quickly followed, glad to be away from Madara. However, there was only one thought running through my mind....

He kidnapped Ruka.

========Present time========
~Ruka's POV~

"Come on!" I heard a voice say "hurry up and take off that blanket before Sasuke gets back! "

Huh, whose voice is that?

"No!" A female voice snapped "if Sasuke-kun wanted us to see what she looked like he would have never put the blanket over her face like that!"

Who the hell is that; where the hell am I?

"We should listen to Sasuke's commands, Suigetsu" another male voice said.

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