53. Team Kasai: Who are you?

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~Third Person's POV~

Hope watched, with eyes full of fear and disbelief, as Ruka growled angrily and red Chakra surrounded her like a cloak; her eyes turned slowly from their usual bright gold to an ominous ocean blue that had black dots inside of them.

Ruka's a Jinchūriki?!

She would have never guessed that in a million years. Hope gasped as Ruka suddenly lunged at the man and kicked him, sending him into a redwood tree and snapping it directly in half. Hope bit her lip and hurriedly ran in the direction she had seen Kuro get punched to. She found him, lying on the floor bleeding heavily and hardly breathing, so she knelt next to him and shook his shoulders.

"Kuro!" She pleaded "please wake up! You have to to get up! I...I don't know what to do!"

Another loud growl echoed throughout the forest and Hope looked up to see the man quickly dodge Ruka's fist as it slammed into a large boulder and broke it into thousands of pieces; leaving a large crater in the ground along with it.


Hope turned towards Kuro and she smiled as his eyelids slowly fluttered open then closed again in pain. Kuro coughed up blood and Hope helped him sit up.

"Kuro! Ruka....I....I don't know what to do!"


"Seal" she said with wide eyes "what seal?!"

Kuro slowly pointed at his right pocket and Hope dug into it before pulling out a slip of paper that said: 'Demon Seal'.

"C....Chest" Kuro said weakly, before falling unconscious once again.

"Chest" Hope muttered to herself "what the fuck does that mean?! Damn it....wait!"

Hope glanced at Ruka and watched as she got on all fours and a second tail grew on her cloak before slowly swaying behind her.

"I have to put it on her chest?!" Hope said in disbelief "how am I suppose to get that close to her?!"

Ruka opened her mouth wide as a large golden ball of what seemed like Chakra began to form. She shot it at the man and it hit him directly in the chest before blowing up everything within a 50 foot radius. Hope went flying backwards and slammed into the Earth before wincing in pain.

"How am I suppose to put this on her chest?!"

~Ruka's POV~

It's dark....

I can't see anything.

I can't hear anything.

I do feel something.

I slowly looked down and saw there was water on the floor. Where am I; I feel like I've been here before but I can't remember exactly when.


I gasped slightly and looked up but I was again greeted with darkness. However, if I squinted my eyes carefully I could see a small, dim light. I slowly started walking towards the light as it got brighter and brighter.

Where am I?

As I arrived at the source of the light, it blinded me so I closed my eyes and waited for it to fade. Once it did, I opened my eyes and saw myself standing in front of a giant cage that had a slot on it; it looked like it was designed to fit my hand if I put it in ther.


I looked up and saw a pair of large ocean blue eyes with black dots staring down at me. I know what this place is now; I know exactly where I am.

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