81. The evil in me

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"What kind of training do you think we have to go through" Naruto asked as Motoi led us, Yamoto included, towards a waterfall he had mentioned.

"I'm not sure" I replied quietly "hopefully it won't be anything too life threatening."

"I doubt it" Yamoto said turning towards us "you two are professionals at getting stuck in life threatening situations."

Motoi chuckled slightly in amusement and remained quiet as Naruto sweatdropped. I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted slightly as Yamoto grinned and turned away from us. It's not like I try to get myself in life threatening situations; it mostly occurs trying to protect the village or Naruto. Though I will admit, it is a habit I should break out of soon.

I felt a arm snake around my waist and I looked up to see Naruto smiling at me. I blushed slightly and glared at him as he, unfazed by my glare, pulled me closer to him.

"N-Naruto" I whispered, my face a deep red "Yamoto is right there! Don't forget Motoi too!"


"So!" I exclaimed, my voice hushed "Motoi will flip out! He already doesn't like you for some reason!"

"I don't care" Naruto said simply "you're my girlfriend so I'll touch whenever I want....."

He paused for a second and looked at me before placing his hand on my cheek and stroking it slightly.

".....wherever I want."

My eyes widened slightly and I felt a tight clenching feeling pulling at my heart so I quickly looked away, a shiver running down my spine.




I knew he had been hanging out with Jirayia too much! Dirty, old geezer, he's infected his mind with sexual thoughts and now I'm the one who has to suffer!

We suddenly ceased walking and stopped in front of a waterfall so Naruto sighed deeply before removing his arm from across my waist. I cleared my throat and straightened up slightly, hoping my blush was gone, as Motoi turned towards us.

"This is the waterfall Bee trained himself at."

We both looked to see a giant waterfall, pouring sparkling clear water into a small lake and causing various rainbow colored shapes to spring up from the mist being produced.

"Whoa" Naruto said in amazement "Octopops sure picked a nice place!"

I smiled slightly and stared at the beautiful waterfall in front of me, taking in every feature it had. A small distance away from the waterfall was a small patch of green grass you could sit or stand on if you wanted to; I wonder why it's there.

"Ruka" Motoi said, pointing at the small patch of earth I had just been thinking about "go sit there, facing the waterfall, and close your eyes."

"Eh?!" I exclaimed "why me?!"


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