28. It's not a date...it's just dinner

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Gaara and I sat next to each other, refusing to talk or interact in any way, as we both worked on the numerous papers that littered his desk.

After a lot of convincing, Gaara allowed me to help him with his work and I was overjoyed he had finally gave in. However, I couldn't get out of my mind the small...encounter...we had. I blushed a deep red and hid my face with my hair so he wouldn't see my flustered figure. I can't believe he had been holding me like that...with nothing but a towel around his waist. I understand that I was falling and he caught me, but I just can't stop thinking about it!



I looked down at the paper I was holding and realized I had accidentally ripped it completely in half due to my flustered state. I yelped and let the two halfs of the paper fall from my hand and flutter to the floor.

"Gomenesai!" I said hastily, lowering my head in shame.

Geez! What is wrong with me; how am I suppose to be helping Gaara and I'm ripping up his important documents?!

"It's okay" Gaara said grinning "I can get another copy."

"But..." I began.

Gaara placed his hand on my head and slowly rubbed it as I looked up at him, shocked. Gaara smiled and continued rubbing my head as I remained completely still. What is he...doing...?

"I'm sorry about earlier" Gaara said, frowning deeply "Temari, Kankuro, and I are the only people that live in this building, so we tend to walk around without clothing. I'm sorry if we startled you, and I apologize for touching you so inappropriately while I had no...um...clothing."

"It's fine" I reassured "if anything its my fault for just barging into your room like that."

"I see" Gaara said, removing his hand from my head "well I'm pleased we were able to settle that whole incident. From now on, we won't dress so carelessly if it makes you uncomfortable."

I nodded and we returned to our work; the atmosphere between us no longer awkward and stiff. I still can't believe how much Gaara has changed; I still remember the day he fought Naruto and tried to kill him. That day was one I'll never forget...

It was the day I realized how much Naruto really loved me.

Well, use to anyway...

"All done."

I looked over at Gaara and watched as he put a giant pile of paperwork in a box and sealed it up. We finished...that makes me happy knowing Gaara has nothing to stress about for the time being. We both stood up and streched out our tired bones to wake them back up.

"I can't begin to express my thanks" Gaara said turning towards me "what would have originally taken me months to complete only to hours thanks to you."

"I'm always here for you Gaara" I said softly "I want to help you because I care about you."

Why did I just say that...?

"Well" Gaara said "how about this? I'd like to take you out to dinner, just the two of us. I'll come to your room at, let's say, 6:00, to pick you up. Okay?"

My eyes widened and I simply nodded as Gaara smiled and left the room.


The two of us...?

Am I dreaming...?

I pinched myself hard in the arm and when I felt pain I stopped. No, I'm not dreaming...Gaara's actually taking me out to dinner. My eyes widened and I looked at the time.

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