45. Ruka's secret

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"Why aren't you calling her name" Naruto asked, frowning.

"I don't give a fuck about where she is, that's why" I said angrily, remembering the way she had clung on to him like a leech.

Naruto sighed deeply and continued to shout out her name as I crossed my arms and remained silent. I don't know where the hell she could have gone. Kazami said that she was going to sleep in my house, but if I can't find her she'll just have to sleep outside in the cold!

I angrily chewed on my bottom lip and tried to force down my anger; is she Kazami's new apprentice? Is so she didn't mention anything about it.

Before I could find an answer to that question, my stomach growled loudly and I blushed in embarrassment as Naruto glanced at me and grinned.

Damn, I just realized I haven't eaten anything at all today...

"Are you hungry" Naruto asked curiously.

"No" I replied sarcastically "my stomach just fucking growls for fun!"

Naruto glared at me playfully before sighing deeply and ceasing to walk. I came to a stop and stood beside him as he looked around for a minute.

"Ok" Naruto said pointing at a building close by "we'll look for Hope later. Let me take you out to dinner."

I blushed slightly and glanced at the restaurant he was pointing at only to see what looked like expensive and elegant looking material and people.

"T-That place looks expensive" I muttered, walking off "we could just go to the ramen shack."

Naruto rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm as I stopped in my tracks; turning towards him.

"It's fine" he replied "I'll order you whatever you want; even if it's the most expensive thing on the menu."

I stared at him for a long time as he looked at me pleadingly.

"Do you even have enough money for a place like that" I asked, trying to use any excuse possible.

"I've been saving up" he replied simply, dragging me towards the restaurant.

Knowing there was no way to talk him out of this, I allowed him to drag me to the restaurant.


"See anything you like?"

I ignored him and continued to scan the menu for the cheapest item they had; it wasn't helping in any way. The cheapest item on the menu came up to 150 ryo.

150 RYO!!

Can you even begin to imagine that?!

I frowned uncomfortably as a waiter came over and took out a small notebook.

"Are we ready to order?"

Naruto glanced at me and I exhaled deeply before turning towards the waiter.

"I'll have the....that" I said pointing at the cheapest thing.

"The Jumbo Shrimp with lemon sauce?"


The waiter scribbled it down on his little notebook then turned towards Naruto who I had just realized was glaring at me.

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