84. Next step: Taming the 11 tailed fox!

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I continued to stare in fascination at the temple-like atmosphere that stood before me as Naruto tried to get back up then fell back down and let out an exhausted sigh.

A loud splashing sound occurred behind me, so I turned to see Bee and Yamoto coming through the waterfall. Yamoto was looking around in wonder and disbelief just as I had done but Bee didn't seem at all interested. Thinking logically, he's probably been here hundreds of times before so of course it wouldn't intrigue him.

"This is the place where I had to train" Bee rapped "sometimes the pressure really gets to your brain! This is the place where you'll both tame your beast, and thus forth your power will be unleashed! Yo!"

So this is the place where I have to tame Kinase, huh? I know Bee keeps saying I have to tame her but this is more than likely going to result in a fight.

Am I really ready to go against Kinase?

Sure, in the past I joked and talked with her like she was my friend, but she is a tailed beast nonetheless. I've experienced just how powerful she can be and I know she's holding back on her full potential. I nervously bit my bottom lip and let out a small, nervous sigh.

"Follow me, fool ya fool!" Bee said walking off.

Naruto finally stood up from the ground and wobbled slightly before starting to follow Bee; Yamoto and I exchanged a small glance then shrugged before beginning to follow Bee as well. We soon entered a small opening and walked through it to see a weird stone face popping out of the wall, it's mouth wide open and sharp looking teeth lined inside.

"Beyond this point there is a door!" Bee rapped "in a minute you'll see what it's for! Fool ya fool!"

"Cool" Naruto said, examining the stone face "but what the heck is this thing here for?"

"You have to stick your head in the stone man's mouth" Bee said plainly "if you failed to properly conquer the evil inside of you it will bite your head off."

Naruto stared at the stone head for a long time then stuck his head in without hesitation. Yamato let out a small yelp of disbelief and stared at him like he was crazy as I nervously bit my lip. I doubt anything will happen, besides he already managed to pass the first test so I'm sure that nothing will.....


"NARUTO!" Yamoto yelled, quickly pulling his head out of the stone statue's mouth.

Once he did I noticed Naruto was now headless.

Yamoto was freaking out and blaming Bee but I already knew he was faking. First of all there wasn't any blood, second of all how was he able to scream when he got his head bitten off? As I suspected, Naruto's head popped out from inside of his jacket, scaring Yamoto senseless.


Naruto continued to laugh hysterically and Yamoto fussed at him as a murderous aura surrounded me. Bee turned towards me and he grinned slightly before taking a step back, allowing me full access to Naruto. As he was still laughing away, oblivious to my anger, I walked over and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket.

His laughing immediately ceased and he gulped nervously.

"That's not funny!" I said angrily, pulling him closer "if you pull some shit like that again I'll personally make sure that you stay headless! GOT IT?!"

"H-Hai! Gomenesai!!!!"

I let go of his collar and he quickly ran away from me, hiding behind Bee. Before I could further unleash my anger, the wall made a strange clicking sound and immediately a door I had not seen nor noticed began to open, revealing a room that seemed to be made entirely of clouds. My eyes widened in amazement and I began walking into the room, Bee, Yamoto, and Naruto following close behind.

Once we were inside the door closed and Bee turned towards us, his face holding no humor whatsoever.

"This is where you both have to get serious" he said "if you don't put your all into this fight, you'll die."

Naruto's eyes widened slightly and he glanced at me as I crossed my arms over my chest. I had a feeling there was a huge risk like this involved. Bee sat down on the ground so Naruto and I followed suit. Bee held out both of his fist and I touched my fist against one as Naruto touched his fist against the other.

"I'll help you both while you're in there but I'm not at all informed of Kinase's strength" Bee stated "sorry Ruka, I won't be of much help to you while you're in there."

"It's okay" I replied, smiling slightly.

"I'll help you somehow Ruka" Naruto said, holding out his free fist to me "believe it!"

I laughed slightly and swatted his fist away before giving him a small kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush slightly.

"Don't worry about me baka! I'll be fine.....trust me."

Naruto frowned slightly then nodded in understanding. Bee told us to close out eyes once we were ready so, after exchanging a small glance with Naruto, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.


"Well, Well, Well, look who decided to pay me a visit."

The darkness surrounding me started to adjust to my vision and I looked up as my eyes connected with a large pair of bright blue ones. A scowl appeared on my face and I approached Kinase's cage as she watched me with those ominous, glowing eyes of hers.

"What do you think your doing" she demanded, her eyes squinting slightly to stare more closely at me.

"Can't you see I'm busy?"

She growled in annoyance and remained silent as I approached the seal in front of her cage and ripped it off; underneath was that familiar hand slot I'm so use to seeing. Even after so many years it can still fit the size of my hand. I smirked slightly and lifted up my shirt to reveal the seal Kinase had branded on me long ago.

"I see" Kinase said with a sinister laugh "you really plan to take my power?! DON'T YOU KNOW YOU'RE WEAK?!?"

I ignored her and placed the lifted end of my shirt in my mouth before sticking my hand in the slot. Immediately, a needle appeared out of the side and pricked my hand, drawing blood as bars began to wrap around my hand trapping it in place. I let out a shaky breath and tried not to let my fear show when Kinase suddenly she began to laugh evilly.

"I've been waiting to rip you limb from limb!" She snarled in a sadistic voice "you'll regret this decision for the rest of your life!"

I glared at her slightly then felt the bars around my hand release. Immediately, the locks on the cage clicked open and Kinase bust out of them roaring loudly. I lept back and slid my sword out of my sheath, a smirk plastered on my face.

"Alright Kinase" I said, activating my Kaneme "let's settle this once and for all!"
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 84! I hope you enjoyed it!

Kinase: *Laughs* Sorry Author-chan, Ruka won't be alive much longer!

Me: That's unfortunate....

Ruka: *Sweatdrops* You don't sound very concerned

Me: *Pats her shoulder* I know you'll do good.

Kinase: No she won't

Ruka: Yes I will

Kinase: No you won't!

Ruka: Fuck you

Kinase: *Growls angrily*

Ruka: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto!

Me: Later guys!

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